Definder - what does the word mean?


A woman or women that are sexually attracted to their gender.

Tina: You know, I think you and Jacob would make a cute couple.
Jessica: What!? No!? How many times do I have to tell you that I'm a lesbian! I like Bridget!

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LESBIANS - meme gif

LESBIANS meme gif

LESBIANS - video


LESBIANS - what is it?

A girl who doesn't have feelings for males, but they have feelings for females. Also meaning that they like girls instead of boys.

Shy Guy: *blushes* So.....Um.....Do you wanna go o-out?
Girl: Sorry, I'm a lesbian.

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What does "LESBIANS" mean?

A woman who loves women and only women.
No, we will not invite you for a threesome.
No, you cannot turn us straight. I dont like dick.
No, we do not all dress like men.
Or in other words me.

Girl: Yes! Shes a lesbian. Really hit the jackpot there.

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LESBIANS - what does it mean?

a woman who likes another woman, there's nothing wrong with that

person 1: i'm a lesbian

person 2: cool

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LESBIANS - meaning

NOT something for men to sexualise.

Man 1: β€œI saw some hot shit at the mall today”
Man2: β€œwhat?”
Man1: β€œlesbian bro, they where defo doing it for me to watch”

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LESBIANS - definition

A woman who is attracted to other women only

Person: Hey, I’m a lesbian
Straight girl: don’t have a crush on me or anything, right?
Person: No, Emily, I don’t have a crush on your lulu lemon, iced coffee, scrunching wearing ass. I’m a lesbian. That doesn’t mean I don’t have standards.

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LESBIANS - slang

Amity blight from β€œThe Owl House”

Amity Blight is a lesbian

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Similar to a vegetarian, in the fact that they don't eat meat.

Me: Hey did you know Izzy is a lesbian?
Friend: Really?
Me: Yeah.

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β€œHey I’m Lesbian”

β€œI thought you were American”

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you. you are a lesbian

Jason: that girl Kayla is such a hottie. I can turn her straight

William: dude, she’s a lesbian, respect that.

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