Definder - what does the word mean?

What is LATONYA?

Very loyal. Very thick . She very funny and love hanging round her friends.

LaTonya , is very loyal to all thing even friendships .

👍29 👎13

LATONYA - meme gif

LATONYA meme gif

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LATONYA - what is it?

LATONYA is a woman who is smart, kind and loyal! She has beautiful eyes, a sexy voice and body. The name Latonya means Worthy of Praise. She finds Latonya is the EPITOME OF A SURVIVOR!


👍25 👎11

What does "LATONYA" mean?

Quiet, determined looks out for everyone.

Bail you of jail, brings you icecream, stays up late with you on the phone

Honest but sweet, confidant, good spouse

Superhero power: the ability to solve the problem quickly

Latonya is always there to help.

"Bartender serve me up a sweet, sharp, delicious Latonya on the rocks" and he did.

Be a Latonya in bed. Be like a Latonya in Church. But best of all be the Latonya we kno an love

#smart #funny #bestfriend #loving

👍63 👎19

LATONYA - what does it mean?

A sweet person that has a bad additude but can handle it. She's always loyal to everybody. Somebody that wants to be treated like everybody eles

I wish i was latonya

👍85 👎23

LATONYA - meaning

the shit !!! the ultimate in cool. fun, exciting, adventurous.

WOW...wish I was LaTonya

👍957 👎185

LATONYA - definition

Sweet person who is loyal and loving...

i want to be a latonya today

👍457 👎81

LATONYA - slang

She is the definition of loyalty, kind, a sweetheart. She is very caring, nurturing, always a helper. Dedicated to the end. Very discerning and most likely correct. May be viewed to be gullable or naive but is neither. Very intelligent, smart and not easily fooled, tricked or manipulated; but is thought to be because of such a pure heart. A keeper and a go getter. One not to be toyed or played with. If you ever have the pleasure of knowing her she's a friend for life, best lover, best kisser, best hugger, best love maker. Keep her close and never let her go.

Latonya will forever be the love of you life and never will you forget her.

👍255 👎29