Definder - what does the word mean?

What is L-Dog?

The definition of L-dawg's Cuz is someone who is Hot, Ripped and even sexy.
By default, of course L-dawg himself said while referring about his Cousin that he was in fact sexy.
This has created lots of tension in the community, especially for L-dawg himself.

You're lookin like L-Dog's cuz today man
I can't believe L-Dog admitted his cuz was sexy man

👍25 👎13

L-Dog - meme gif

L-Dog meme gif

L-Dog - video


L-Dog - what is it?

aa fucking dumbass

man 1: hey have you heard of the cuck known by L dog gaming
man 2: no

👍29 👎17

What does "L-Dog" mean?

A dog that is not pushing P

Cooper is an L dog

👍31 👎15

L-Dog - what does it mean?

Laney Noonan. I moran girl that is fucking midget. she hates greaseballs and hates bitches. sucks dick at COD. people call her L Dog because Laney has to take a shit outside like a dog.

chris- L dog is the same size as a sex doll
Laney- shut the fuck up you man whore

👍25 👎11

L-Dog - meaning

an old lincoln towncar from the late 70s to mid 80s

i had 5 hoes in the back of my L dog last night

👍83 👎25

L-Dog - definition

An rapper or DJ who records and remixes his own tapes/tracks within his parents basement.

Guy1: Brad is always in his moms basement remixing songs.
Guy2: Yea, thinks he's gonna get famous. What an L-Dog

👍33 👎29

L-Dog - slang

Mountain of a man, big epic, can destroy pedophiles with only a stare from his epic gaze.

Friend 1: You hear about Bill Cosby being launched into the sun?
Friend 2: Yeah wasn't that L-Dog?
Friend 1: Yeah, big unit.

👍25 👎11