Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Kylia?

used to describe a female who seems to have no imperfections

p1: they're so good at everything
p2: I know right! Such a kylia rashford..

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Kylia - meme gif

Kylia meme gif

Kylia - video


Kylia - what is it?

Kylia is a kind but very shy girl someone who loves flowers and animal crossing. This girl only cares about her music and books! She is very very careful and says sorry a lot. She most likely has bad anxiety and ocd and probably social anxiety. But she would make a amazing friend but probably doesn’t want any parter someone who is not interested in love. Someone who wants to move to LA with friends and possibly family to kylia friends are everything! You need to find a kylia and once you meet one never let her go!

Kylia is a very sweet and kind!

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What does "Kylia" mean?

a person (usually female) who seems to have no imperfections. Kind hearted with an open eye they will place others before themselves.

P1: they are so kind to everyone!
P2: yeah they done so well in intervention too
P3: omg they're such a kylia rashford

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Kylia - what does it mean?

Noah-No one likes you
Joey-But I like her
Joey-No I love her
Titus-What the .....

Kylia is some one that thinks she your mom

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Kylia - meaning

Kylia is a gorgeous soul inside and out with a smile so contagious it warms the hearts of others. She has a way with talking to people and making them laugh and smile which is something she loves to do. She is amazing with children and someday will become the best mother. She is the definition of being confident, strong, loving, and having perseverance. She is so smart and caring. Kylia has overcome so much in her life while so many doubted her she managed to keep herself afloat. She constantly denies all the odds and still somehow manages to love others even when she has been hurt so many times. Everyone loves Kylia unless they don’t truly know her. She is the type of girl to be there for you whenever you need, she will happily dance in a store, compliment a stranger, and she loves to sing to every song playing. Honestly Kylia is the best friend/ girlfriend you could have and without having to ask she will make an effort for you and make you feel loved and cared about.

Wow! Did you hear about how Kylia stood up to that bully for a kid she didn’t know?? - Yeah Kylia is so Brave and compassionate towards others

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Kylia - definition

Kylia is a sweet girl. She is most likely very shy and struggles with social anxiety and ocd. Kylia is probably one of those girls who LOVES flowers and animal crossing. Kylia will always be there for you and if your looking for a forever friend find a kylia. A kylia is most likely not too smart but still has education! She could probably read books all day and play instruments all day as well!

Kylia is such a talented and sweet lady!

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Kylia - slang

nice ass

Kylia- sup
Me- hi
Kylia- wyd
Me- nothing, ur hot though
Kylia- #bootysquad
Kylia- mhm
Me- yuh

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Kylia stands for a heavenly name that means fun-loving and well-loved girl. Not many people have named their daughter Kylia yet, but it is predicted to be a popular name in the short future.

That mother named her daughter Kylia instead of Kylie.

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A girl who is part ocean and part flower. She is kind, generous and outgoing. She is the rhythm and rhyme to all that is right in this world

Kylia is always up for an adventure.

Kylia is a very spunky girl.

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Kylia is an amazing girl who will give you everything she has. She is incredibly sweet and one of the most beautiful people in the world. She can make any guy heaven and makes one of the best girlfriends ever! If you don't have a Kylia in your life you should find one because you're missing out. She will love with all her heart and do anything in her power to make you happy. Kylia is like the image of perfection. She is so charming and is a very good artist.

Guy 1: "Wow man look at that total babe over there!"

Guy 2: "Damn she's a total Kylia!"

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