Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Kweku's?

When a person becomes either rich or famous.

Wow that guy is so “kweku” !!!

👍25 👎11

Kweku's - meme gif

Kweku's meme gif

Kweku's - video


Kweku's - what is it?

I mean what can I do to define a king, mans got all the hoes in the same area code (for convenience) straight shooter platinum on comp games. Always makes a note worthy appearance, like if this dude ain't make you feel a lil gay then you haven't met him. Also he singled handedly defeated wass gang. 👑 shit.

Literally everyone: Kweku can you fuck ma wife?
Kweku: Yessir

👍27 👎11

What does "Kweku's" mean?

Kweku : a amazing person to be around , cares a lot and is patient , a very good boyfriend to have , an amazing kisser and good with his hands

I want a nigga like Kweku

👍137 👎19