Definder - what does the word mean?

What is King tiger?

When a man is very dominant during sex and his subordinate scratches him to leave bloody stripes on his body

β€œI was banging this chick hard and she made me a bloody tiger king, I need to wash the sheets, blood is everywhere”

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King tiger - video


King tiger - what is it?

The most extreme crazy one can be. Unless they are Tiger King Tom Cruise Crazy. Then they are bat shit crazy.

Have you spoken to your ex lately. Hell no. She is Tiger King Crazy

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What does "King tiger" mean?

When a man is very dominant during sex and his subordinate scratches him up leaving red stripes

β€œI was banging this chick hard and she made me a tiger king with her long nails”

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King tiger - what does it mean?

A sub-specie of the tiger family. It is known for it's attention to escapism as well as the lack of a recognizable social system. A Tiger Kings is usually accompanied by pure-breeding dogs which act as its guards. However, when hunger strikes, Tiger Kings has been observed to devour it's lackeys. It often reproduces by inbreeding as there is no healthy females available.

'Tiger Kings' is a very ill tempered sub specie of the Tigers.

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King tiger - meaning

a netflix documentary that is overhyped and i do not recommend watching it unless you love tigers

Skylar- β€œHey have you seen tiger king?”
Kayla- β€œNo that show is bullshit

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King tiger - definition

Inspired by the Netflix documentary Tiger King, Tiger Kinging is the art form of manipulating and verbally abusing others to get what you want.

My senior year I ran the party scene! I was Tiger Kinging hard! I had all my roommates going out and getting kegs and promoting my parties for me.

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King tiger - slang

To feed someone you hate to the tigers like Carol Baskin.

Bitch pissed me off, so I Tiger Kinged that bitch!

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King tiger

When an older homosexual man seduces younger, straight men with elaborate gifts or drugs into a sexual relationship they have been "Tiger Kinged".

Yo, did you see John leave with that older gay guy at the bar , I think he got Tiger Kinged!

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King tiger

A Gay man who seduces multiple straight men into poly-amorous marriage.

Did you hear Jeff just got married to both Logan and Ethan? He is officially a Tiger King now.

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King tiger

The informal name of the Panzerkampfwagen VI Ausf. B Tiger II, a German heavy tank disigned, built and deployed in World War II. With almost 70 metric tons of Amour and the 88mm L/71 gun, this tank was even more deadly than it's "little" brother, the Tiger I. It did suffer reliability problems, but when properly maintained and fueled, it could take out targets over 1500m.

Kurt Knispel died in the battle of Berlin when his King Tiger blew up after being peppered by the Russians.

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