Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Kimberely?

Kimbers is a powerful Italian family, they're also known as a mafia which runs many businesses. Many people love the Kimbers and alot are very attracted to the family. The family is full of pure skilled sexy bad asses.

Have you heard of the Kimbers? Everyones talking about them, they're taking over Tumbleweed! Jakob nearly got arrested but he got away with his pure sexy looks.

👍33 👎15

Kimberely - meme gif

Kimberely meme gif

Kimberely - video


Kimberely - what is it?

A sexy girl at work with an ass that you could set a cup on.

Kimber---although she may be a dirty hippie that doesn't shower. the ass that shakes like jello as she walks away makes up for it.

👍161 👎147

What does "Kimberely" mean?

very fabulous lololololol

Kimber is very fabulous

👍35 👎15

Kimberely - what does it mean?

A nice person who cares about everyone.a little bit of a head case some time. Mormon. Very smart at sports medicine

That girl is such a kimber.

👍65 👎41

Kimberely - meaning

Me, I am a kimber. A bad ass. Named after the bad ass gun brand. Small Town, Murica. America, f*ck yeah.

Yo! That kimber chick is such a patriot!

👍49 👎21

Kimberely - definition

a girl who is all around perfect. very sexy and badass in bed. but like all women can be a little on the bitchy side but makes up for that with really good blowjobs and a tight pussy

omg!!! last night was awesome that girl was such a kimber.

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Kimberely - slang

Kind,funny,and very lovable!

trust me she is a great girl that could change your life

She is hottttt! and is a very caring person

Dude that girl is such a kimber!

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The world's largest manufacturer of 1911 pistols, as well as rifles, shotguns, and much more. Kimber makes some of the best guns on the market; they set the benchmark firearm quality and dependability. They are safe, powerful, accurate, and fast! Kimbers are extremely well-made and therefore a little on the expensive side.

Marines, Special Forces, and LAPD all use Kimbers.

There is no better pistol to have in you hand than a Kimber.

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The most beautiful girl you'll ever meet. someone who's honest and funny. sometimes shy and awkward with people she's new with but when she's with her crew she's a firecracker. She's sweet and sour and loves adventures.

Kimberely Is the the most amazing person you will come across in life

👍95 👎35


People named Kimber are very hot people who tend to do things just for fun. They try to live life to the fullest and can be a bit loud at times, but they are usually very fun to be around. They tend to be outgoing, but can sometimes say things that are a bit... extra.

"Kimber is a good friend."

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