Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Keepin It?

Equivalent to "It's all good."

Darnell: Sorry, man.
Darnell's Friend: Don't worry, I'm keepin' lace.

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Keepin It - video


Keepin It - what is it?

Remaining truthful, peaceful and calm. Keepin' it real, Keepin' it true.

Kickin' back and keepin' it buddha.

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What does "Keepin It" mean?

1. A person who is on the 'look-out' for police or passengers when performing an illegal operation, usually standing outside.

2. A Local Ska-Punk band from missisauga, Ontario who has just released their 2007 debut studio album 'Uncensored'

Make sure to be Keepin' 6 while I go inside this guys house and pop a cap in his ass.

when you're smoking a fat blunt outside in public, always be keepin' 6 for popo's

Keepin' 6 are playing tonight in Brantford, let's skank the place up

Did you buy keepin' 6 new album? it's worth every penny.

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Keepin It - what does it mean?

When your girl trusts you enough to let you cum inside her for the 1st time. It's a play on the phrase "Keepin it 100" and comes the theme song from the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse where they say "Come inside, it's fun inside." M.M.C. in roman numerals is 2100

Josh: My girls keeps it 100 and never lies to me, she'll be a good wife one day.
Justin: Well my girl is keepin it 2100 and let's me bust a nut inside ever since I told her I love her on Valentine's day

👍61 👎13

Keepin It - meaning

To keep it 100. To be real to yourself and what you stand for. Allegiance to your family, crew, click, where everyone stands for the same thing.Made famous by Prodigy from Mobb Deep. Usually found in East Coast slang. Similar to" word is bond or stay gully"

That dude Keith stay keepin it thoro that is why I kick it with him.

👍67 👎13

Keepin It - definition

The act of staying hard and true in a situation where lesser men would falter. In situations either too mundane or too extreme for the average punk, a true gangsta stays hard and has it his way.

See also: Keeping it real.

That mark thought I would just move out of the way into the right lane when he tailed me in traffic. But I was keepin it gangsta; I brake-checked his ass and almost bent his whip.

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Keepin It - slang

Going out to a bar or nightclub for the evening, but staying close to home.

Brian: Hey Chris, are you headed downtown later?

Chris: Nah, I'm just keepin it local tonight, I don't feel like driving that far.

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Keepin It

Continue to do what you've always done.

You just have to keep on, keepin' on until you've acheived your goal.

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Keepin It

To maintain a street attitude and live a chill, yet aggressive lifestyle.

Guy 1: Hey man, how you been?
Guy 2: Oh you know, just keepin' it streets...
Guy 1: Fo Sho

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Keepin It

a term given to someone who shows no self respect for themself and will act out for attendtion by doing usuless acts of debortary.

that guy is such a keepin'

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