Definder - what does the word mean?

What is KNOWE?

To know all of what is happening at any given time; to have a lot of friends and connections.

"Yo man, I'm bored.. anything going on tonight?"
"Why don't you call James? He's in the know."

"I gotta find someone in the know, so I can pick up some weight and get my business off the ground."

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KNOWE - meme gif

KNOWE meme gif

KNOWE - video


KNOWE - what is it?

When you agree with someones opinion, as if it's the truth about a situation. It's another way of saying Word is Bond.

Made famous by Flatline Records of Jersey City, NJ.

John: Hey Bill im tired of breaking my back working at this low paying job.

Bill: Know That

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What does "KNOWE" mean?

(verb) to have knowledge, to be aware of something, to be acquainted with someone, to have carnal knowledge of someone.

Person A: There's a big queue at the club- we'll never get in.
Person B: It's okay- I know the bouncer.
Person A: I knew Caroline before you married her.
Person B: Yes, she told me and I'd rather not discuss it, thanks.
Person A: That bouncer is staring at us- do you know him ?
Person B: Yes, I sodomised him repeatedly last weekend. It was quite pleasant.

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KNOWE - what does it mean?

It's the opposite of knowing. Do you no what knowing is? If not, that's not knowing.

I was forced to watch Twilight, not knowing the incredible lack of plot, character development, or anything that would make a good story

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KNOWE - meaning

I love you without knowing how,
or when, or from where.
I love you simply without problems or pride,
i love you in this way because i do not know any other of loving but this,
In which there is no I or you,
So intimate that your hand upon my chest is my hand,
So intimate that when i fall asleep
your eyes close.


what a lovely message

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KNOWE - definition

in Biblical times, it meant to sleep with someone. you will see the word used in the Bible to mean that.

God: "Abe, you knew your maidwoman as well as Sarah? And she gave birth to that bastard of yours, Ishmael?"

Abraham (boasting his double scoring): "Yep, God. My sons are Isaac and Ishmael."

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KNOWE - slang

1)to have intimate knowledge of a particular subject not necessarily every subject.

2)to be privy to uncommon knowledge

you know who Gwyneth is dating?

ask Rita she's in the know

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A person who simply doesn't know what's going on or being said around them.

Yeah, J.J.'s Not Knowing.

(He's the only one who has no idea what we're talking about.)

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With knowledge of something.

"People in the know are aware of a nuclear explosion if even the slightest jolt was made upon the renegade carrier."
-part of the storyline for Blast Corps

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someone who comes off as knowing everything about everything, but upon review is mostly incorrect.

Chris started in today about common-era what a know it not!

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