Definder - what does the word mean?

What is KIKE?

A jew, in a racist, discriminatory sense. According to Wikipedia, the term "kike" was at first a discriminatory word used by Jews who lived in Western Europe (France, UK or Germany) to refer to those who lived in Eastern Europe (Poland, Romania or Russia), whose family names often ended with "ki". The term was later used by Christians and non-Jews against the whole Jewish population, so the term became a general ethnic slur against Jews in general.

1.- Mr. Manilowski did it, huh? Must be Polish, that damn kike...
2.- You're going to Auschwitz, you fucking kike!

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KIKE - video


KIKE - what is it?

v. To steal or gyp

You better not turn your back on Andrew...he might kike another slice of pizza.

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What does "KIKE" mean?

Derogatory term for a Jew.

Zach is a stupid kike, and he doesn't care about life.

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KIKE - what does it mean?

a racist word for jewish people

Eric cartman: haha kike!
kyle:shut your god damn mouth fat boy!
Eric cartman :hey don't call me fat butt fucker!

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KIKE - meaning

Kike also referred to as Kyke is a dirogatory named for a Jewish man/women.

β€œThe Holocoast is the solution to the Kike’s final solution” - Adolf Hitler

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KIKE - definition

Slang term used for someone who is Jewish.

Ugh I hate those kikes in Israel.

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KIKE - slang

Basically calling a Jew a kike is like calling a black perosn a nigger

Person A: is it just a rumor or is that filthy kike Matthew Edney really coming to Holiday ball.

Person B: No rumor has it that him and his band of filthy kikes will be crashing our holiday ball.

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A derogatory term for a Jewish person.

Lennie: Go fuck yourself you old kike
Mitch: I’m not Jewish you spastic.

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Derogatory term used to describe a Jew; probably originated from the Yiddish kiekl, or circle.

With a big nose like that you could be a kike.

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To be jewed/screwed constantly in a way of spending money.

That doctor kiked me over at the hospital with a 200 dollar fee.

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