Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Juge?

She is the best mom you'll ever have and she will be mean sometimes but still loves her children and might be a little overprotective

Children:mom your the best mom in the world
Jugelis:thank you,your the best kids I had ever made

👍25 👎11

Juge - meme gif

Juge meme gif

Juge - video


Juge - what is it?

A great friend, awesome loan officer, and perfect husband and father.

"That John Juge, he got us a great rate on our refi"

"John Juge is such a good father and husband, his family is lucky to have him".

👍31 👎105

What does "Juge" mean?

a good hard penis a gurl would love

i gave her that good juge last nite son

👍247 👎103

Juge - what does it mean?

juged a word that means "hang" with someone/other people

I like to juged whit other people

👍35 👎13

Juge - meaning

To thrust hardly

Someone juge on my window last night

👍37 👎23

Juge - definition

Means to stick or poke... Mainly in the Southern United States.. It's a old slang..

"Stop playing with that stick before you juge someone in the eye"

👍25 👎11