Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Joe Boy?

A word when referring to a friend group. Or also known as the BBS. Joe Bofa is the creator of the word

Joe Boys when we hanging out today?

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Joe Boy - video


Joe Boy - what is it?

Someone who slams pussy and swags on every hoe married or not

Joe boi slammed the milf

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What does "Joe Boy" mean?

1-Refers to an individual (Mostly of Italian or Puerto Rican decent with some boxing training and frequents use of mood altering drug such as coke) who are exeptionally good at fighting (original);
2-or any violent individual who is good at being hired muscle.

1- "That coked up rican is a Joe boy."
2-"That suit is a Joe Boy for the family."

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Joe Boy - what does it mean?

A smart well educated well rounded young man who has great ability to play rugby and are the best cheering squad in the GPS. They are as resilient as you can get and it’s always a honour to watch them in all sporting events

Joe boys are the best at cheering

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Joe Boy - meaning

Asian gang out of San Francisco who's leaders name was Joe Fong. Rivals of the Wah Ching over the sale of firecrackers in
China Town. Responsible for the Golden Dragon massacre the bloodiest battle in a public location in the history of San Francisco.

You know shit is going to happen when you see Joe Boys and Wah Ching run into each other.

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