Definder - what does the word mean?

What is JobCorps?

One word, Prison. Once you arrive at JobCorps you will find yourself stripped of civil liberties while constantly being reminded that you are being giving a tremendous opportunity (The same opportunity any bum off the street can get) witch is ironic because most people at JobCorps are homeless. The part of my life i spent at JobCorps i like to dub "My Two Weeks in Hell". First off, upon arrival we were given expired old turkey sandwiches, served leftover Mexican lasagna 3 days in a row, saw more drugs than an entire lifetime, fights plentiful, alcohol, shit on my toilet seat upon arrival, someone pissed on someones door in my wing, rules that are to inhumane for prison, no internet, no leaving campus, no nothing. To refrain from being board there is a gym with a basketball court, warning enter at own risk, this court is heavily populated with angry belligerent black folks who cant handle a loss and will easily fight over the slightest argument, is best to avoid. Ethnic ratio 70% blacks, 28% spanish, and 2% white. I was part of that 2% and acquired the name Eminem because of it. Quite simply JobCorps is a last resort all hope is gone, homeless or prison bound, government run and funded Youth Correctional Facility. AVOID AT ALL COSTS. If One is so unlucky and is tricked to get up there, one must buy his own ways back home witch in my case was a 100$ bus ticket BEWARE!

Joey: Hi im Joey, I just got here today!

Mike: First day at JobCorps?

Joey: Yes.

Mike: Welcome to Hell Im leaving tomorrow.

👍51 👎37

JobCorps - meme gif

JobCorps meme gif

JobCorps - video


JobCorps - what is it?

Jobcorps is a strange and unbidding place. First off you are lied to before you actually step foot on the property then again after you do. They give you medical in the form of medicare and at the first sign of something serious the send you home till you pay a doctor to say your better. In is a place where you have to find somthing to do or commit suicide which happened here in Homestead two weeks before I got here. On first impression it reminds you of a prison and it is though it doesn't have a ball and chain. Should you change your mind and quit you pay from your own pocket to get home. Here some of the teachers care like HVAC, Automotive others don't and are hard to find AKA: Computer Repair. The rules are in place until people get comfortable then the take away liberties without intention of returning them. I mean if you have no choice as in homeless which was my case it is an option. Truthfully I wouldn't recomend this place I was better on the side of the road they will mind wipe you into being a drone or kill you.

People do drugs all the time
High ups make living conditions impossible with the amount of restictions placed
There is a dangerous amount of mold in Homestead
The HVAC wasn't meant for the amount of people in the building so there is a high percentage of sick mostly belonging to flu or heavy upper resportory infection
PDA of any kind is not prohibited on center though rule book makes it clear that it is only supposed to stead for OVERT SEXUAL BEHAVOR

👍69 👎35