Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Jinga?

A version of jinga in which the loser has to take a dare from every other player and they can not refuse said dare NO MATTER WHAT THE DARE IS they have to do it.

I lost in extreme jinga and had to do stupid dares

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Jinga - meme gif

Jinga meme gif

Jinga - video


Jinga - what is it?

The loser of an intense game of Jinga.

After watching the Jinga pieces fall to the ground, Dr. John knew that he was Steve's Jinga Bitch.

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What does "Jinga" mean?

a gram of weed

you owe me a jinga from our sesh last week when i shouted you!

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Jinga - what does it mean?

a gram of weed

luka owes me a jinga after i shouted him last week ;p

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Jinga - meaning

The big toe, usually shoved up somebody's anus.

That dude over there, he takes jingas up his ass erryday. pingas anus insertion sex arse booty

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Jinga - definition

JINGGA is a ninja thats actually black

"Yo get dat jingga back ova here"

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Jinga - slang

A person greatly amused by Cedar Trees, Will take every chance given to take pictures and show great affection towards.

Wow Jinga really loves Cedars.

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Generic term or concept to refer to everything that is fun, beautiful, interesting. It can be attributed to any object, person or experience with an expressive, sentimental or descriptive desire.

Declination of Jinga at its highest level of expression: Jingueta.

Example 1: Look at that girl over there, what a "Jinga" she has!

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Anus or Vagina. Used in an Aussie saying when someone does a really smelly fart.

"Smells like you've got a dead rat shoved up ya Jinga!"

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A gram of weed

You owe me a jinga fromwhen we smoked up last week

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