Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Jex?

A type of feathered rabbit sometimes found in the British Isles, so named for its oddball antics.

Watch out for the jex, it's coming right at you!

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Jex - meme gif

Jex meme gif

Jex - video


Jex - what is it?

The kind of dancing one does when deeply inebriated, e.g.: swaying, staggering, stepping on toes, and the tendency to perform inappropriate hula dances.

He drank so much liquor last night, he was jexing all over the disco.

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What does "Jex" mean?

Jex if you didn’t already know is the most handsome guy you will ever meet. He’s literally a chill understanding person. He’s funny asf and you need this guy in your life just to make you have an everlasting smile.

Guy1 β€œI’m so jealous of jex” Guy2 β€œyeah he’s perfect girls like him”

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Jex - what does it mean?

Short for Jexiino.

Sup Jex?

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Jex - meaning

A kind and sweet, beautiful person. A very determined individual who has a massive brain and tons of smarts. While they may be caring, they can be angry and short with you. DO NOT get on their bad side.

Guy 1: hey dude, did you see Jex win the spelling bee?
Guy 2: No I didn't, they must be really smart!
Guy 1: And pretty!

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Jex - definition

Jex can make anyone’s day better. Either it’s by telling jokes or being a sweetheart. Jex is more handsome than he thinks. Protect your Jex cause you can’t find anyone else quite like him.

Dude1 β€œlook it’s Jex stealing all the girls” Dude2 β€œhe’s got everything the personality the looks it’s unfair”

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Jex - slang

So cute it’s insane. Very funny and great to talk to. Never let go of a Jex they are hard to find. So nice and just all around genuine person.

Jayne β€œ look at Jex he’s so cute” paige β€œbut he’s not Austin”

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Ultimate couple goals...

Josh and Lex have combined their love for each other to become Jex. There is no denying these two are meant to be together.

Jex is a power couple. Truly the ultimate relationship. Everyone is jealous of Jex.

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THE master gamer.

"I need a 3 letter name."
"Put Jex."
"It's The Master Gamer name."

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To go and relax/kick back somewhere

Hey Stan you wanna go jex it to Johno's?

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