Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Jawas?

a sand jew; tipically from the middle east

Omfg, that jawa smells so bad that he makes turtles smell like peprica

👍83 👎79

Jawas - meme gif

Jawas meme gif

Jawas - video


Jawas - what is it?

The menacing creatures that inhabit the sand. Ex. Osama bin Laden, Mamud Akbar Fahi

This enclave of allah worshipers should never be trusted or allowed into this great country - The jawas are not people

"The jawa 'people' have delcared jihad upon the people of America."- George Bush

"Allahhurakbah!!! Mesmusen akbar derka derka JIHAAAAAD!!!!" - Imar Desmerka Quazili Jihad

👍103 👎99

What does "Jawas" mean?

Something you call a girl when you have an absolute maddening love for her

"Charlie calls Maggie his little Jawa. They're so cute together!"

👍31 👎13

Jawas - what does it mean?

Degenerates that go around town collecting cans, copper, and other metals to return to recycling centers for beer/drugs.

You smell that burnt plastic? Some Jawa is burning copper wire.

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Jawas - meaning

A smelly arab person. A person from the middle east.

Damn, that stinky jawa blew himself up again.

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Jawas - definition

The term "Jawa" was co-opted from the

Star-Wars films by Americans deployed to the middle east while serving in the armed forces.

JAWA is a slang term used throughout the united States military; referring to any any person living in, or descended from Middle-Eastern countries. predominantly (but not exclusively) Muslim majority nations.

*Although less common; it can also refer to Jews from Israel / the desert.

Jawa is a racial epithet for the "Sand-People".

and pretty much any group who's women cover their hair or heads.

The reasoning behind the joke is:
In the Syfy films, Jawas are unintelligible; always shouting gibberish at one another as they run around in the sand. They're constantly fighting each other for salvaged or stolen junk.
& Regardless of the heat; they're always wearing full body robes resembling dresses.

*(similar to the thobe, Shalwar, Izar or Bisht Muslim men wear; or the sheitels, hijab, Niqab, Burqa, Khimar, & Al-amira that woman in the middle east wear)

"Fucking Jawas planted another road-side bomb yesterday, spineless pussies..."

"them jawa kids are always running after our convoys asking for candy"

"get that translator out here, I dont speak jawa."

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Jawas - slang

A derogitory term for an arab. A variation of sand monkey.
Jawa's were the sand people in Star Wars know...sand people. -Cartman
I hope Bin Laden and the rest of those Jawas burn in hell!-Any American

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Derogatory term for people in the Middle East, because they live in sand, like the jawas from Star Wars. Also "sand people"

Because of propaganda, many jawas do not like Americans.

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Slang term used to describe a general resident of the Middle East; a sandchucker.

Damned jawa terrorists on the news again...

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The Jawas are a scavenger species. They comb the deserts of Tatooine in search of discarded scrap and wayward mechanicals. Using their cobbled-together weaponry, they can incapacitate droids and drag them to their treaded fortress-homes, immense sand-scarred vehicles known as sandcrawlers.
They are not the Sand People. The Sand People are the Tusken Raiders.

Keep an eye on your droids or the Jawas will steal them.

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