Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Jam session?

When you make music with your homies while jerking off

Person A: I feel like making some rad music but also like beating tf out of my meet

Person B: then let's get the boys together and do a Jizz-Jam-Session

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Jam session - video


Jam session - what is it?

When you jack-off you're just rockin' a fuggin' jam sesh bro!!!

Kid: Hey man, what are you gonna do later?
Bro: I'm just gonna creep on some bitch's facebook pics and rockin' a jam session.
Kid: Tight. Samesies.

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What does "Jam session" mean?

Bringing the wood to a female sexual partner. The opposite of making sweet love. An almost violent sexual encounter.

Where did you wander off to after hours last night.? Oh, man I slide over to Jenny's house for a Jam /Beat session.

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Jam session - what does it mean?

a gangbang of sexual intercourse with 4 or more guys on one girl.

That bitch is sick she had a jam session with 6 guys

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Jam session - meaning

When a group of bros take turns having sex with a jar or squeeze bottle of jam or jelly (preferably squeeze bottle). Can substitute marmalade as well. No preserves for fear of chunks in urethra.

I got together with my old college roomates this weekend and we had a solid 2 hour jam session.

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Jam session - definition

This means when a whole bunch of musicians get together play some chords for about a minute saying random lyrics and then go on playing for 19 more minutes.

Phish has super long jam sessions.

Dude Bill and I had a 35 minute jam session last night.

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Jam session - slang

When u listen to music and dance to it with more then 1 person

we had a jam session las nite

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