Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Jam out?

The female equivalent of a male 'rocking out with his cock out' that is to party hardy in the Andrew W.K. sense.

Let's go girls... You're gonna jam out with your clam out...

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Jam out - video


Jam out - what is it?

Females have long been devoid of an expression that is on par with the male expression "Rock out with your cock out"

This is the female equivalent of the male phrase "Rock out out with your cock out"

During the Rock Band competition, Mary encouraged Jane to "Jam out with your clam out."

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What does "Jam out" mean?

The female version of rock out with my cock out.

Time to hit the bar and jam out with my clam out.

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Jam out - what does it mean?

The female equivalent to (ie:Rock out with your cock out ;Hang out with your wang out)
Having such a great time it's hard to explain it with words. (ie:partying too hard; having too much fun)

Just relax babe, and jam out with your clam out.

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Jam out - meaning

The state you are in when a euphoric high occurs after playing a song or a sick solo

"Whoa, that was awesome"
"Yeah, that was a sick shred, I think I'm jammed out."

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Jam out - definition

To commence to do something. Usually in an excited manner.

" i jam out then commence to bust the skeet-wave."

guy 1: hey man, what you bout to do?
guy 2: Man!, i'm bout to jam out on this new game I got.
guy 1: word?! I'll come too!

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Jam out - slang

to suddenly stop, to fail at the last minute, to cancel plans for other reasons.

I thought we had plans Thursday, why did you jam out on me? I was following to closly to the car infront of me when her breaks jammed out; I couldn't stop in time. The drill press at the factory has jammed out again; coffee break time.

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Jam out

jam out: verb; means to relax, unwind, rest, chill out, etc, etc.

Pimp: Ey man, whats good? Where all da hunnies at?

Playa: Aint nothin poppin forreal, its cold so Imma stay my ass at home and jam out.

Pimp: hahaa yea its cold as a muthafuc*a aint it? Imma make da hunnies come to me, ya feel me? aight, man 1.

Playa: Aight B, 1.

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Jam out

To take a complimentary grape jelly packet and use it as lube.

At breakfast last week Thomas stuffed his pockets full of the complimentary grape jelly packets knowing he was out at home, and his lover Kimberly had spent the whole morning in anticipation of some passionate Jamming Out time.

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Jam out

Filling ones asshole with jam and proceeding to let someone or SOMETHING to eat it out

Oh dude yesterday my dog and I had a jam out, I can't tell if his breath is ass or jam

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