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What is Jackaroo's?

The holden jackaroo also known as a isuzu trooper made to put patrols and landcruisers to shame. The jackaroo is a nice mid size 4x4 that patrol owners talk smack about all the time, deep down there jealous that the jilaroo is always there to pull them out once they get stuck.

Far out did that holden jackaroo put me to shame.

👍63 👎93

Jackaroo's - meme gif

Jackaroo's meme gif

Jackaroo's - video


Jackaroo's - what is it?

The Holden Jackaroo is a medium sized SUV produced by GM Daewoo. Holden Jackaroos are most commonly found broken down and abandoned on the side of the road thanks to the ultra unreliable 4JX1 diesel/steam engine that Isuzu decided to fit in them.
Some owners believe their Jackaroo's can be taken off-road despite the fact a Holden Barina puts them to shame both on and off-road, let alone a real 4x4. This common misbelief is due to the vehicles semi-impressive suspension flex, which can be attributed to the soft pine chassis that was jointly developed by Ikea and Isuzu.

Most Jackaroo owners have moved onto more reliable and safer forms of transport such as hitchhiking with Ivan Millat, the rest are broke and stuck with it.

"No we won't insure your Holden Jackaroo. It's not worth anything and won't go anywhere"
"I'm sorry you own a Holden Jackaroo"
"Nothing says failure like a Holden Jackaroo in your driveway".
"No I can't fix your Holden Jackaroo. Get your junk off my property"

👍105 👎31

What does "Jackaroo's" mean?

A shit box 4wd that suck balls

That jackaroo is a heap of fucking shit

👍47 👎21

Jackaroo's - what does it mean?

(Aus) A person from the city or overseas with no farming experience who goes to work on a cattle or sheep station to learn farming and experience "the bush" or just to get away from it all for a while.

He's gone up the Top End to work as a jackaroo for six months.

👍51 👎21

Jackaroo's - meaning

A young inexperienced person working on a cattle or sheep station.

👍81 👎37

Jackaroo's - definition

1. An extremely attractive male one would flirt or "mac on"
2. The male equivilant of a "biddie"
3. Prime male macking subject
4. Opposite of a jillaroo

Girl #1: Hey Rachel, check out those mad jackaroos
Girl #2: Yeah Kaitlin, they're wickid hott!!!

👍87 👎37