Definder - what does the word mean?

What is JISSED?



👍25 👎11

JISSED - meme gif

JISSED meme gif

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JISSED - what is it?



👍25 👎11

What does "JISSED" mean?

Jissed- when you pee and cum at the same time.

Dude I just pissed and jizzed at the same time. Ahh man TC you just jissed.

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JISSED - what does it mean?

Small pp boi

Hey Jisse ur pp smol

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JISSED - meaning

The act of losing a battle, losing thy dignity, and getting your ass politely handed to you

"Michigan beating Ohio State? Hell yeah!"

"Talk about getting JISSED, am I right DUDE?"

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JISSED - definition

1. Dyslexic way of spelling jizz
2. A bloke I know

Jess is such a jiss stain

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JISSED - slang

We've all seen a jiss I'm sure. Also known as the gusher, the squirter, the juicer. This term is used for when a woman, gets butt nekkid squats down and ejaculates a hugely long triumphant ribbon of clear pisslike and jizzlike liquid during orgasm. However... its not jizz... its not piss.... ITS JISS

"I had this girl over the other night and damn i got JISSED on!"

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Really big pp boy

Wow jisse you have really big pp mannn

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When you urinate, after sexual intercourse or masturbation in which you have achieved ejaculation, Jiss is the chunky-ish white semen left over that gets shot out while said urination is taking place.

Guy#1: Dude this morning sex was great!

Guy#2: I know! Only, I had a large amount of Jiss shoot out, bounce of my toilet into my eye.

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The worst possible kiss you can get from a girl in which she just sucked your dick and her mouth is full of jiz then she kisses you.

My girlfriend just gave me a jiss last night. It tasted like I just sucked my own dick

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