Definder - what does the word mean?

What is JETA?

Jeta Mae, a very striking individual. Really fun to be around and usually good in bed. Loves Indian food and really funny. Not an ounce of awkward personality in Jeta Mae. Completely open minded and very serious when it comes to it.

Love myself abit of Jeta Mae.

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JETA - meme gif

JETA meme gif

JETA - video


JETA - what is it?

something unbelieveable.

ay mae!!!! vio que grande que era esa casa?!
dude!!!! you saw how big that house was!?

si verdad! que jeta!!!
yeah! right! thats was unbelieveable!!

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What does "JETA" mean?

1. Word used to refer to the word "head" in spanish

Te voy a romper la jeta!!!

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JETA - what does it mean?

A fuckboy

"Yo look at that Jetae over there"

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JETA - meaning

Spanish kinda street or slang way of saying mouth

"Callate la jeta"

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JETA - definition

The literal Albanian translation meaning β€œLife”. Those who are named Jeta are typically full of life. They are jovial, social and charismatic beings. They enjoy all the joys, wonders and beauty life has to offer. They indulge in making memories last a lifetime. They fiercely care and love their circle of family and friends. To have a Jeta in your life would make for a beautiful life.

Te rrosh me jete te gjate.
Jeta eshte e bukur.

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JETA - slang

Spanish for face. Mainly in the emotional aspect

MamΓ‘ anda enojada ya le viste la jeta que trae?

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The literal Albanian translation meaning β€œLife”. Those who are named Jeta are typically full of life. They are jovial, social and charismatic beings. They enjoy all the joys, wonders and beauty life has to offer. They indulge in making memories last a lifetime. They fiercely care and love their circle of family and friends. To have a Jeta in your life would make for a beautiful life.

Te rrosh me jete te gjate.
Jeta eshte e bukur.

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A girl with a pretty face and cute figure.She have a lot of friends & is famous

Man, this girl is really Jeta
"Man this girl ist very pretty"

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Jeta is an cute women/ girl who slays them all . She has a big booty and all boys like her . She's very famous an pretty

Pers 1 : Omg! Is that JETA ??! The prettiest girl ?

Pers 2: ohh yesss !!!

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