Definder - what does the word mean?


When you hate your job and you have a filthy attitude. You usually hate what you do and you would much rather shit yourself with flamethrower feces.

Person 1: How's your day going.

Person 2: I'm just having a filthy Jerod.
Person 1: Oh shit I'm sorry.

👍25 👎11

JERODING - meme gif

JERODING meme gif

JERODING - video


JERODING - what is it?

a scrony black male with candy cane syndrome

Dude , I think Im a Jerode !

👍25 👎25

What does "JERODING" mean?

Someone who is a great person. They have a wonderful personality and make you feel loved. They like to live life to the fullest, but know their boundaries. They're very artistic and intellectual. Their taste in music is "different." They are beautiful inside and out. You can get lost in their eyes and sweet hugs and kisses. They make a great partner. They're sweet, kind, cute, loyal, and AMAZING.

I love Jerode.
Jerod is amazing.

The best boyfriend out there is Jerode.

Jerode is the coolest person I know.

👍25 👎11

JERODING - what does it mean?

An incubus in modern times, or an attractor of women and men. jerods tend to come off abrasive and cocky, and seem slow at times because they dont know how to interperet their words correctly to their mates or peers. The common trend in a jerod is a douche quaulity tat comes across strong.

that guys hot but he looks like a total jerod
Dude, check out the jerod flirting with the junior.
Hey that guys a real jerk, I know he a jerod and all but geez!

👍137 👎115

JERODING - meaning

An act of being super high and losing your senses

Signs of Jeroding -

1.Making weird animal like sounds without any reason

2.Doing unexplainable actions e.g humping your friend's leg, hugging a chair etc.

3.Fucking up your own life

WTF MAN he just humped that freakin humped that wall. Now he is making bird sounds. Damn he jerods good.


👍41 👎19

JERODING - definition

Someone who is a great person. They have a wonderful personality and make you feel loved. They like to live life to the fullest, but know their boundaries. They're very artistic and intellectual. Their taste in music is "different." They are beautiful inside and out. You can get lost in their eyes and sweet hugs and kisses. They make a great partner. They're sweet, kind, cute, loyal, and AMAZING.

I love Jerod.
Jerod is amazing.
The best boyfriend out there is Jerod.
Jerod is the coolest person I know.

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