Definder - what does the word mean?

What is JERMA985?

the hit streamer and gamer Jeremy Elbertson.

oh my god oh my god!!! Jerma985 just posted another video!!!

👍25 👎13

JERMA985 - meme gif

JERMA985 meme gif

JERMA985 - video


JERMA985 - what is it?

The best streamer on twitch

OMG Jerma985 is the best!

👍45 👎13

What does "JERMA985" mean?

When the imposter is sus

"You're acting kinda sussy ngl"
*jerma985 face*

👍61 👎15

JERMA985 - what does it mean?

High class humor and IQ streamer/youtuber

Jerma985 is compact

👍89 👎15

JERMA985 - meaning

not real

hey did you see the jerma985 stream?
whos that?
hes... um.... idk

👍27 👎11

JERMA985 - definition

A popular streamer who used to create YouTube videos under the name Jerma985

"Man, I love Jerma985, he's so funny."
"Didn't Jerma985 stop posting?"
"Jerma985 still streams on Twitch y'know."

👍145 👎15