Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Jk?

Stands for ‘just kidding ‘.

Seriously, if you don’t know what JK means, you should go jump off a cliff.

Kid: “Bro, he’s such a stupid dude, I could get him to eat shit without hesitation.”

Above mentioned dude: “What the fuck did you just say about me!!!!!?”

Kid: “JK dude. Chill out, it was only a joke—“

*gets beat up*

👍463 👎123

Jk - meme gif

Jk meme gif

Jk - video


Jk - what is it?

High school girl. Comes from “Joshi Kohsei” in Japanese. “Joshi” means “girl”, and “Kohsei” is an alternative form of “Kohkohsei” which means “high school student”.

JK is cute.

👍1221 👎361

What does "Jk" mean?

Just kidding the just kidding.

They cancel out becoming what you really meant to say.

Erma: "Am I a bitch?"
Denise: "Totally! Jk the jk hehe"
Tom: "You sly dog, Denise."

👍41 👎21

Jk - what does it mean?

A person who tries their hardest but always does terribly at whatever they are doing.

" i can't believe you died in the Gulag, you're such a JK "

👍27 👎13

Jk - meaning

Jew Kabob

The act of sticking a large pencil up a Jews ass just as their about to sit down

Jk - "yo, I jut made that kid Hayden a Jew kabob"

👍27 👎13

Jk - definition

Self described as 'relentlessly mediocre', a jk (AKA 100% Pot Stirrer) is blissfully unaware of how exceptional he is. His logic, pun-worthiness and sexiness are solid 99 material making him a legen- wait for it (and watch out cause lactose intolerance) - dary catch!! Underneath the cruisy and INTP exterior, he is jacktually very loving, generous and is extremely capable in creating vivid and touching written work. And his toasties are platinum star level!! Watch out though: High odds of contact and stepping. I luff yew jk. What doing now?

jk: mediocris coluber tortuosus
AKA: the absolute jack-pot of humans, he gets a 7.

👍25 👎11

Jk - slang

Just kidding

Aw dawg you look like shit today, jk, you're ugly as fuck..

👍39 👎23


Abbreviation for "Jungkook"
Often used by Kim Seokjin

"hey jk how are you"

👍31 👎13


Shorten version of name Jungkook, member from Korean Boy Band, BTS (Bangtansonyeodan)

Jk is the youngest member of BTS. Jk is Golden Maknae.

👍31 👎11


Something you say at the end of
a sentence to avoid getting beaten up when you
call someone a useless fucktard

Hey shit-for-brains! Jk

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