Definder - what does the word mean?

What is J-mo?

The biggest duster of all time. The type of guy to do something strange for a piece of change.

That J-mo just blew my house up for a nickel.

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J-mo - meme gif

J-mo meme gif

J-mo - video


J-mo - what is it?

a reverse blumpkin; the act of a woman performing fellatio while defacating

After dinner, my girlfriend and I returned to my apartment where i demanded a Mo J. She abided.

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What does "J-mo" mean?

to be jeffed out

jeff is so j-mo

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J-mo - what does it mean?

Nickname of a popular WERS DJ for the show rockers. J-MO is characterized by his hippie lifestyle and lack of bathing. He has ridiculous hair that is impervious to rain, much like that of an African American, and loves Hunter S. Thompson. Also J-MO is an infamous misogynist, who when called as such believes people are complimenting him for being an excellent "Massage Artist"

Did you see that Beatrice, J-MO just asked me for a handjob!

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J-mo - meaning

a name for a fat, retarded kid who has no friends

THat kid is such a j-mo.

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J-mo - definition

Comes from the Latin words "Magnus Dorkcaus." Today it can commonly be translated to Big Dork, The Accounting Steve Erkel, or Mr. Pocket Protector. J-Mo can also refer to one who supports cheaters, commonly from the New England area, or the leader of the "I have a man crush on Tom Brady and Bill Belichick."

Mommy I want to be like J-Mo. I want to love the Patriots and qoute FASB's in my dreams.

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J-mo - slang

The new gold dollars

Jesse paid me with some J Mo.

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Bass player for Disturbed, John Moyer's nickname.

"J-Mo played lastnight"

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Jim Morrison, rock legend, of the band The Doors.

"J-Mo wrote that song when he was sober."

"... Okay, so maybe he didn't write it."

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to be really cool and smart

Seth was j-mo the other day.

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