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What is Intellectual Masturbation?

A conversation with the purpose of confirming or showing off both parties' knowledge in a certain field, without providing new leads or ideas.

They kept jerking each other's brain off in that round of intellectual masturbation about algorithms optimization.

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Intellectual Masturbation - video


Intellectual Masturbation - what is it?

To engage in a passionate discussion with someone you are feicely sttracted to about a subject that fascinates the pair of you intensely, to the point at which one or both participants become sexually aroused.

S: "Human history is a series of revolutions of the modes of production"
J: "Mmm... Keep talking dialectics to me, I'm almost at full mast"
S: "Go play with your means of reproduction"
J: "This is some intense intellectual masturbation"

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What does "Intellectual Masturbation" mean?

Either debating/arguing/discussing about things(for more than a short bit of time) that don't matter, or debating/arguing/discussing about things that matter without taking any action.

Examples of "Intellectual Masturbation":

Debating/arguing/discussing about things that don't matter:
Jeremy: did you hear about the new stabbing?
Zoey: yeah, it is really terrible... I wonder why this keeps happening? people in the world... are sometimes so unpredictable.
Jeremy: Yeah... I hear you. I hope nothing like this happens again. Damn... those things are just so awful...


Jeremy: So my friend made a theater room in his apartment and they barely watch anything there.
Zoey: I would actually watch stuff in a theater room if I had one.


Jeremy: I think League of Legends is better than Dota
Zoey: I think Dota is better than League of Legends
Jeremy: Ok, let's give our full opinion and discuss exactly why we think they way we do.

Debating/arguing/discussing about things that matter without taking any action:
Jeremy: our system is broken... we really need to fix it. People need to be nicer to each other.
Zoey: You are So right. Change has to happen
Jeremy: Anyway... I gotta go to my 9 to 5 job. Wanna watch the new episode of Game of Thrones later?
Zoey: Yeah. Gonna go to study literature, I hope to become a book author. Maybe I'll even write a book about how the world needs to change.
Jeremy: Catch you later!
Zoey: Bye bye!

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Intellectual Masturbation - what does it mean?

Fascinating intellectual breakthroughs regarding reality, language, existence, knowledge, perception, or human behavior which are completely unprovable and utterly without use, and therefore of no real consequence to anyone. See also: philosophy

Etymology: the mental counterpart to masturbation; i.e. a process that is very pleasurable but hasn't accomplished anything at the end.

The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis states that language influences human thought, so that native speakers of different languages think about concepts in incommensurably distinct modes. Linguists and psychologists contend fiercely over the validity of this claim, oblivious to the fact that it is intellectual masturbation.

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Intellectual Masturbation - meaning

Intellectual dishonesty that has a harmful effects to democracy

How to do intellectual masturbation:
1. Idolize theory, even though reality doesn't necessary go along with the theory
2. Find people who are agreed with your point of view (groupthink, filter bubble, echo chamber), and shut down any competing point of view
3. Nurture a superiority complex, that you're an Übermensch, you're far more intellectual than 99.9999999999…% hoo-mans around the world, and dwell inside your ivory tower instead of helping people out from their problems
4. Use any unnecessary words, terms, jargons, acronyms, backronyms, or any language styles that makes you sound intellectual (even though nobody asked)
5. Interrupt and change any discussion topic to become something intellectual when nobody asked
6. Justify unnecessary paywall for accessing knowledge
7. Put other's feet on your own shoes (a.k.a give them unsolicited advices based on your understanding and experiences, ignoring other's experiences)
8. Read any books that makes you look intellectual, even though you don't understand what do you read, and quote it every time you discussing, even though you don't know what are you talking about

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Intellectual Masturbation - definition

Talking about important subjects rationally and objectively and making perfect sense but not taking action towards helping the situations.

Examples of Intellectual Masturbation: Saying things like "If all the rich people in the world gave X % of their money, a lot of world problems would be solved." , or "The money that goes into American Idol could save millions of lives." without doing anything about the issues.

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Intellectual Masturbation - slang

Word used by stupid, narrow minded and superficial people to describe things that they cannot possibly understand.

Billy: The Socratic Dialogues about Good and Justice are the product of intellectual masturbation.

Bob: But philosophy has put the basis of lawmaking and it's believed to be the mother of science, why do you use this derogatory term?

Billy: Uhh, whatever dude! I have more interesting things to do than listening to your bs! w00t! I am going to eat some salami and masturbate on some amateur porn! w00t!

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Intellectual Masturbation

Word used by stupid, narrow minded and superficial people to describe things that's hard for them to understand.

Billy: The Socratic Dialogues about Good and Justice are the product of intellectual masturbation.

Bob: But philosophy has put the basis of lawmaking and it's believed to be the mother of science, why do you use this derogatory term?

Billy: Uhh, whatever dude! I have more interesting things to do than listening to your bs! w00t! I am going to eat some salami and masturbate on some amateur porn! w00t!

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Intellectual Masturbation

an activity or sport where the primary result is the actor feeling intellectually superior or abnormally arrogant for absolutely no reason. This can be achieved by wearing fancy clothing, using vocabulary that no one else would ever use, or using titles that make absolutely no sense.

Guy 1: Hey dude! How was that class debate?
Guy 2: It was freaking awesome. It was pure intellectual Masturbation.

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Intellectual Masturbation

speaking for the sole pleasure of listening to yourself and showing off your supposed intellectual and linguistic capacities.

John continually goes on about the merits of Times New Roman. He does so in a completely self-absorbed, disinterested tone.

John- (weary tone) "You simply can't comprehend the intrinsic value of Times New Roman font to our society and the way we decipher the world. There is evidently a plethora of ways it has effected our daily experiences."

Tim- "John, do cease your intellectual masturbation. It bores me to an umpteenth degree. My finely tuned ears were not designed for your incessant blabber."

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