Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Insinuated?

When someone thinks that you have a car, but indeed you do not

Jill asks Sarah if she wants to go out. Sarah is like sure, see you at 11. When Jill shows up, they begin to walk. Sarah notices that that they have been walking for a long time. Sarah then asks Jill, "hey, where's your car?" Jill replies, "Oh, you thought I had a car? So youre one of those car insinuators? We were just gonna walk down to 5 points to go get sloppy drunk and maybe hitch a ride back." Sarah, "Oh..."

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Insinuated - meme gif

Insinuated meme gif

Insinuated - video

Insinuated - what is it?

Premature insinuation is to give away or hint at something to early on, before you have the slightest proof or even know that what you are insinuating is the slightest bit true.

Detective Walsh: Virgo wasn't the one backing the money, now was he?

Suspect: What money....? Virgo is my dog...

Comissioner Tetley: Walsh, you need to get that premature insinuation of yours on a lock.

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What does "Insinuated" mean?

to introduce

he insinuated his penis in her

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Insinuated - what does it mean?


Hym "I insinuate. The way that 50 cent insinuated that he would called his guys to kill another guy or what Tison did when he said he would fuck a guy in his butthole. πŸ‘ŒInsinuationπŸ‘Œ I'm still morally in the clear."

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Insinuated - meaning

1. To suggest or hint slyly
2. To instill or infuse subtly or artfully, as into the mind
3. To bring or introduce into a position or relation by indirect or artful methods

1. To insinuate doubts through propaganda
2. To insinuate oneself into favor

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