Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Incel?

A made up word from misandrists that has no meaning and is used on men

Look at this incel

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Incel - what is it?

A word deluded feminists use to justify their irrationality.

A hate term directed towards all men by some select uneducated dirt brain females.

"HoW dOeS iT fEeL tO bE aN iNcEl?"

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What does "Incel" mean?

Someone who is critical of a woman.

Bob: "I don't like her car."

Jessica: "Incel."

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Incel - what does it mean?

A no-gettin-laid motherfucker.

That guy thinks he's an incel because he can't get laid, but really he's just a narcissistic, sexist, asshole with no redeeming personality traits.

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Incel - meaning

Incel - ( INvoluntaryCElibate)

Member of online comunity called incels
Self delusional,egoistic pretends to be a nice guy
Blames others for his deprivation of sex or romantic relationship
Often has stereotypes for others
A person who is unable to find romantic partner or thinks is deprived of sex by other guys called CHAD

Possibly to become mass murder or a school shooter

"He is definitely an Incel,he hates all girls"

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Incel - definition

A derogatory term for people who show displeasure in being single, despite showing no qualities of a true incel at all whatsoever.

Tim: It's like, no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to secure a relationship with anybody... I really do try as hard as I can, but it's as if I'm not good eno-

Todd: Shut the fuck up, INCEL.

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Incel - slang


The word incel was first defined by a woman in 1997, but has since evolved into a movement of guys who believe they are forced into an existence where sex is unreachable for them. They are often fierce supporters of ideologies like the blackpill. Their actions online display misogyny, calls for violence, racism, and even pedophilia.

Incels have caused significant harm offline, to the point that Canada has officially listed incels as a domestic terrorist threat, and the US DoJ has since followed suit. The UK, after the Plymouth shooting in 2021 has had similar calls to label incels as a threat.

Incels groups are can be identified by the language they use. For instance, they use "femoid" and "toilet" in place of the word woman, "sub-human" for themselves, the "maxxing" suffix, "ascended" to describe an incel who has had sex, "sheboon" for black women, etc.

Forums for incels, banned or current, are consistently filled with extremist content. Studies that have been published by peer-reviewed journal publications have shown that toxic language and violence are pervasive across multiple major incel forums. Reddit has notably banned the vast majority of incel forums. When confronted for their abuse online, the person confronting them may experience being harassed online, possible doxxing, and threats from other incels.

For more information about violence enacted by incels or recorded behavior of online incel communities, the ADL has a detailed page about them.

"He blames women for all of his personal problems, calls them femoids, and thinks it is not his fault that he has issues dating? We call those people incels."

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What used to mean a guy who is basically a "Nice Guy" But way worse and a major douche who can't get laid, now Incel is a term used by "White Knights" To insult anyone who disagrees with or insults a woman or by SJWs as a new term since "Bigot" "Sexist" and other terms have now lost meaning due to over use

Person A: The Last Jedi sucked because they focused on those boring side quests instead of developing the characters we care about like Rey who is now stupidly over powered despite having no training, so it kinda felt like a waste

Person B: Oh please the movie is a masterpiece, you are just an Incel who is threatened by Strong Women having roles in movies, the movie is a masterpiece and if you disagree you are a Nazi

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1. Incels, a portmanteau of "involuntary celibates", are members of an online subculture who define themselves as unable to find a romantic or sexual partner despite desiring one, a state they describe as inceldom.

2. (Informal) Any person who suggest that women be held accountable for their actions and points out that they aren't perfect beings capable of no wrong-doing after all.

"The crazy bitch called me an incel because I refused to date a single mom and take care of her kid because and said that single moms typically made bad life choices."

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Short for "involuntary celibate"

A person who is not in a relationship nor has had sex in a significant amount of time, despite numerous attempts.

Similar to Robots incels are often misogynistic and feel lonely because of their lack of sexual/romantic experience.

However, while there is an overlap between Robots and incels the difference is that incels are completely sex/gf obsessed and make that apart of their identity.

While Robots complain about their lack of sexual/romantic experience but also focus on other things and you don't have to be a virgin to be an incel whereas all Robots are virgins with no gfs.

Elliot Rodger is an incel.

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