Definder - what does the word mean?

What is In Game?

A game, The sole object of which is to not remember that you are playing it. As soon as you remember that it exists, you have lost and must start again.

Oh bugger, I've lost the game!

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In Game - video


In Game - what is it?

when someone is actively participating in organized crime or generally committing criminal acts as a source of income. Also used to refer to an individual as "not being in the game." Commonly used to refer to someone after they died in ways related to their criminal activities.

He knew the risks of the job, he was in the game.

She got killed in the crossfire but she wasn't in the game.

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What does "In Game" mean?

the proper way to spell gameing
it is used in the context of describing the highest level of gamers.

"Ninja was truly gameing yesterday when he got the quad kill"

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In Game - what does it mean?

This is a phrase that you are obligated to yell when you say something really bad while playing a video game. If you get really mad and you scream something really terrible, then you have to scream "in game!!!!!" right after. If you say in game, that means it's not associated with real life, which means it's ok.

You: Playing minecraft bedwars
You: gets killed by someone
You: GOD FUCKING DAMMIT!!! Go fucking jump off a cliff-
IN GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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In Game - meaning

(n) a type of game, as in means of attracting the opposite sex, usually perpetrated by men, in which they act as if they have no game in order to dupe women into dating them for the sole purpose of gaining their trust. Once this is achieved, the actual game is implemented.

She thought she had finally met a nice guy, but it turns out he was just running the no game game on her.

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In Game - definition

an inspiration quote designed to energise the gamer in your life

come on mate, gaming gaming gaming gaming, come on!

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In Game - slang

(n) a type of 'game', as in means of attracting the opposite sex, usually perpetrated by men, in which they act as if they have 'no game' in order to dupe women into dating them for the sole purpose of gaining their trust. Once this is achieved, the actual 'game' is implemented.

She thought she had finally met a nice guy, but it turns out he was just running the no game game on her.

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In Game

A phrase very similar to β€˜Don’t hate the player, hate the game.’ Usually used as a witty and self-aware justification of one’s own or someone else’s socially questionable actions, especially sexual encounters. Might also be said as β€˜The game’s A game.”

Friend 1: β€œYo, there’s no way you fucked Tom’s sister.”
Friend 2: β€œListen, mate, the game’s the game.”

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In Game

Game is game is when you out play a motherfucker and they can’t do it like you 🀷🏾 ♂️

Blud: you gone take my girl like that?
Me:Game is Game blud🀷🏾 ♂️no fucks given

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In Game

(n) a type of game, as in means of attracting the opposite sex, usually perpetrated by men, in which they act as if they have no game in order to dupe women into dating them for the sole purpose of gaining their trust. Once this is achieved, the actual game is implemented.

She thought she had finally met a nice guy, but it turns out Chandler was just running the no game game on her.

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