Definder - what does the word mean?

What is IPHONE X?

an apple product

I got the new iPhone X guys!

👍25 👎11

IPHONE X - video


IPHONE X - what is it?

A iPhone 4s that was renamed after people thought it was a joke.

Yo dude lemme see your iPhone X mini

👍25 👎11

What does "IPHONE X" mean?

The newest and "extraordinary" product from Apple. Better donate your two kidneys now if you want to get a $999 emoji machine.

Human: Im going to buy an Iphone X
Apple: 999$
Human: I'm moving on samsung phones.

👍67 👎33

IPHONE X - what does it mean?

A gay ass phone that is too overpriced like tbh, $1000. Y'all fucked up it y'all bought that.

Man: I just bought the iPhone X
Another man: Fuck that shit. I have an iPhone 7 and it's better and cheaper
Man: Well that's true but it has facial recognition.
Another man: It didn't even work when the girl showed it in front of the rich people
Man: Ok stop making fun of me because I got an expensive office that isn't that good.

👍113 👎59

IPHONE X - meaning

You're basically paying $1,000 for features that are gone. I'd rather have features than lose features. It's a phone make by MISTAKE.

Check out my "sick" iPhone X
Check that out, a Samsung Galaxy S8 rip-off!
It has similar features that Android phones have.
Like what
Wireless charging that existed years ago
It's one thousand dollars
Mines is $450, plus a headphone jack

👍25 👎11

IPHONE X - definition

A phone apple pulled from their arses and slapped on Face ID that only works within a 15cm radius, also the improved sket called siri is still as deaf as your gandma listening to that emo shit skrillex.

Person 1: Show how that great iphone x works!
Person 2: let me shit it out.

👍81 👎17

IPHONE X - slang

A massively overpriced 'innovative' phone made by apple. Is primarily used to turn your face into random emojis and using 2% of cpu for posting selfies on instagram'

John - 'I just got the new iPhone X'
Vlaros - 'For £1200?? That shit better take me on vacation when I put it on airplane mode'

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