Definder - what does the word mean?

What is IK's?

Usually shy boy, very funny and can make anyone laugh. Is the man with the ladies and can show good loving.

Dang, I want to be like Ike!

👍65 👎19

IK's - meme gif

IK's meme gif

IK's - video


IK's - what is it?

The term "IKE" (or I Know Everything) is typically used to describe the new person in a position who is unteachable simply because he/she knows absolutely everything there is to know. This person is typically easily to identify as everyone who has come into contact with them wants to punch him in the fucking throat!

Boss: "Hey Iain, I'd like you show Cameron how we place a roof ladder."

Employee: "Yeah, Fuck Him! How about I get IKE up on the roof and then throw his fucking ass off? I can't spend 5 minutes alone with that cocksucker without plotting his death. I'm not saying that I hate him, I'm just saying that if I were to unload the groceries in his throat to choke him out, it'd be both physically and mentally satisfying for me AND my co-workers!"

👍69 👎21

What does "IK's" mean?

Verb, when Ike hits another character in SSBB with his giant ass sword, killing the character that was hit, and possibly a character that the hit character collides with while leaving the screen.

Dude, you just got Iked

👍159 👎53

IK's - what does it mean?

Ike- ++Correction Notice++ Let this stand as a correction. Considering that there is already several definitions of this term, I will agree to disagree with what these people have to say.

Ike is a term that was born in the 90s from the people in the Pittsburgh neighborhood, The Hill District. Ike was a member of the Bloods gang who was killed in the lower Hill by a rival gang member. The definition that says his name was used by Bloods only is false. Is has been used by everyone in the neighborhood since he was killed in the early 90s. The man Issac was killed in the 70s and there was no remenance of this man from the people who use this term. The Bloods gang was not in Pittsburgh when this man was killed.

This has changed in the neighborhood from being a tribute to Ike to a common slang term that shows respect for all dead soldiers of this hood. Most people who knew who Ike was do not use this term unless they are truthful and honest about the subject that is at hand. Only people from the Hill are able to say this term. If you dont know what it means dont say it and dont try to define it.

On the Nephs, Ike!
Ay Ike, This bitch said this.....!
What are you saying, Ike?

👍91 👎25

IK's - meaning

1: That blue haired guy with the sword.

2: The overpowered badass on SSBB who CRACKS everyone in practically one hit.

3: The guy you always see flirting and hitting on Zelda(s) in basic brawl matchs.

4: The manly version of Marth.

5: The character who when he gets the smash ball, ditches it and just uses A-forward instead.

6: The replacement for Ganondorf, who now has trouble moving because he's put on so much weight since Melee and can't find where he put that sword unless he does his fighter's stance.

7: Nearly the sole redeeming value for Super Smash Brothers Brawl.

It should be noted that: Ike > Tier list

Screw you Metaknight! Screw you!

👍369 👎103

IK's - definition

I know. I know. I know.

" Did you know that?"

👍1265 👎387

IK's - slang

Shortened version of *I know*

You know boat cow died

*Ik* im still sad

👍89 👎19


I know


👍415 👎53


A poor pronounciation for the headset known as Hyper X

Lucitik or haybir iks iks iks iks

👍41 👎13


Ike Ike,

Japanese for 'Go, Go'. If you Ike then you feel the power.

"Ike Ike, pretty girl, mini skirt, Ike Ike, high shoes and then you feel the power."

👍477 👎111