Definder - what does the word mean?

What is I''s?

The most common people that lurk the ever-popular message board on Neopets. (Ideas/Suggestions)
Some of these people include Pavel (king), Fluffy (queen) Bridget, Alex, Lauren, Zaf, Andrew, Chained, Dragon, and MANY others.

These people can kick your arse. (:

n00b: omgz twilight!11!11!!!1!!1ONE!!1!
(I/S Regulars)
Pavel: That book is entirely overrated.
Fluffy: *insert phrase of pwnage here*
Chained: Heh, that book is an excellent source of *insert clever pun here*
n00b: ):

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I''s - meme gif

I''s meme gif

I''s - video


I''s - what is it?

A chatboard on the popular website, short for Ideas/Suggestions. This board was once populated by many literate, fun regulars (called I/Sers), but as time went by these I/Sers left and illiterate, spamming n00bs came along. Some of the older I/Sers still attend the board, but unfortunately the number of elite, original I/Sers is slim to none.

The newer people that come to I/S and call themselves I/Sers are generally unaccepted by the I/Sers who have been around for years, as they feel they deserve their position and had to work for it.

These days the board is generally boring and slow, aside from occasional visits from old-time I/Sers and the infamous Vitz.

general I/S topic:

*clap**clap* hay guYzssss rate my lookup *rednose*

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What does "I''s" mean?

Ideas/Suggestions board on neopets is known as the I/S. This board is rarely filled with ideas/suggestions because I/Sers know that TNT isn't going to do anything; They really couldn’t care less what kind of paintbrushes you think there should be. There are, however, "regs" that post everyday. The average age of an I/Ser ranges from twelve and up. Although the most common age is 13-14.

Most I/Sers will have an I/S pride sign in their lookup, which was made by Lovegood. There are many new people to the Ideas/Suggestions board, who call themselves regs or I/Sers. These are easy to distinguish because they'll tag their threads and have somewhere on their lookup "I chat on the I/S". Many of these also add scene pictures of themselves which usually turn out to be fake.

Recently there have been newscasts titled "I/S news", made by Kyle. These can be found on youtube, and are quite funny. Also there have been I/S polls. The best I/S couple goes to: Lovetri. (Nutri and Lovegood). It's not like we didn't see that one coming.

Most I/Sers do not merely chat through the neoboards, but have AIM, MSN, LJ or deviantart. "Aloneathome" chat has also become popular. Another trend on the I/S is to lurk. Occasionally you'll see one of them post, but that is rare. Many I/Sers lurked before posting on the boards, including myself.

Some I/Sers: Myles, Lovegood, Radar, Sam, Benny, Person, Chibi, Snow, Fluffy, Kookie, Daphne, Misti, Stevo, Kyle, Person, Sondra, Lamb, Ela, Silence, etc.

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I''s - what does it mean?

Ideas/Suggestions board on Neopets. Usually filled with idiots who actually think TNT gives a shit about their suggestions because they suck. Apart from them, the people who are "regs" and are on every day and acknowledge the fact that TNT doesn't give a shit are the I/Sers. Average age, 14. Most don't have lives and/or have some form of depression. Kind of like EMS, but with actual real-life problems.

I/Sers use ~squiggly lines~ alot and say "lul" and usually have an "I/S Pride" sign on their lookup, (Created by Lovegood) after a recent "war" with the NW, so you can easily tell the non-I/Sers from the ~I/Sers~.
The "new i/sers" usually try to tag their boards and have on their lookup "I chat at the I/S. I hate you" and are hated by most for wanting to be something all the I/Sers hate to be considered.

Scenesters aren't usually welcome at I/S because 99.9% of the time the pictures they post aren't even of them, and they're lame retards. They are usually herded to EMS by Nutri.

Most I/Sers also communicate through other means besides neopets. Such as MSN and Myspace.

I/Sers don't tag their boards because it's retarded to do so.

I/S > NW

I/Ser: "I chat on the I/S"

Person with a life: "The what?"

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I''s - meaning

A chatboard on the popular website, short for Ideas/Suggestions. This board was once populated by many literate, fun regulars (called I/Sers), but as time went by these I/Sers left and illiterate, spamming n00bs came along. Some of the older I/Sers still attend the board, but unfortunately the number of original I/Sers is slim to none.

The newer people that come to I/S and call themselves I/Sers are generally unaccepted by the I/Sers who have been around for years, as they feel they deserve their position and had to work for it.

These days the board is generally boring and slow, aside from occasional visits from old-time I/Sers and the infamous Vitz.

general I/S topic:

*clap**clap* hay guYzssss rate my lookup *rednose*

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I''s - definition

Ideas/Suggestions board on Neopets. Usually filled with idiots who actually think TNT gives a shit about their suggestions because they suck. Apart from them, the people who are "regs" and are on every day and acknowledge the fact that TNT doesn't give a shit are the I/Sers. Average age, 14. Most don't have lives and/or have some form of depression. Kind of like EMS, but with actual real-life problems.

I/Sers use ~squiggly lines~ alot and say "lul" and usually have an "I/S Pride" sign on their lookup, (Created by Lovegood) after a recent "war" with the NW, so you can easily tell the non-I/Sers from the ~I/Sers~.
The "new i/sers" usually try to tag their boards and have on their lookup "I chat at the I/S. I hate you" and are hated by most for wanting to be something all the I/Sers hate to be considered.

Scenesters aren't usually welcome at I/S because 99.9% or the time the pictures they post aren't even of them, and they're lame retards. They are usually herded to EMS by Nutri.

Most I/Sers also communicate through other means besides neopets. Such as MSN and Myspace.

I/Sers don't tag their boards because it's retarded to do so.

Vitz owns us.

Board: So today was so stupid~
Board: Man, I need a life
Board: Cool idea for a paintbrush!!
Board: I am making an omelette
Board: I have a suggestion. ^^
Board: ~Vitz rulez~~

Some I/Sers include: Lovegood, Nutri, Misti, Sam, Stevo, Radar, Chibi, Jacob, Snow, Kookie, Fluffy, Kyle, Daphne, Air, etc.

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I''s - slang

The Ideas/Suggestions board on he popular site, or as its more commonly called, "The Anus of". This board is usually jam-packed with board like "plz tnt read this" or other random bullshit suggestions to TNT. Even though TNT never reads these suggestions and really don't give two fucks what you have to say, the little gremlins of I/S continue to post these boards in hopes that their dream paintbrush will soon be created.

The males that chat on this board are usually gay or bisexual and are usually stuckup pricks. A great example of this is a young dickweed named Matty who is indeed, gay, and has a 30 year old boyfriend. The male regulars of I/S are as follows: Pavel (King of I/S whether he likes it or not), Sess, Greyson, Matty, and Andrew.

The females of I/S are usually a little more polite but don't expect to go there as a new person and be welcomed with open arms. The popular "Zaf" will scare you away. :) The only nice female who chats on the I/S is Star, but she doesn't really provide the entertainment that the others provide. Some of the popular females are as follows: Fluffy (self proclaimed "Queen" of I/S), Star, Zaf, Kace/Marina, Dlyan/Tms,Bridget, Sock/Nora/Scnep, and Choco.

The current I/S couple is Choco and Andrew, more commonly known as Andrex (Andrew + Alex(Choco's real name)).
The regulars of I/S used to refer to themselves as I/Sers but that term has slowly died.

The I/S also serves as a punchbag to the other boards of Neopia. It is becoming a target for raids and spam wars from the Neopian Writers board, NW.

I/Sers don't tag their boards, because if you do, Fluffy will probably e-kick your ass.

I/Ser 1: Hey I chat on the I/S board. :)
NWer: *spams you*
I/Ser 2: *smax u*

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The best board on, also containing the most wonderful chick ever, gaby (gabs)

n00b: hdjhjkgjhgkd
Gaby: *ninja kicks because she is awesome*
rest of i/s: ily gabs

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The I/S is a chat board on Noepets in which stands for β€œIdea/Suggestion”. Its pretty much the chillest board there is, and everyone there is pretty mellow. There are around Three classes on the I/S. The first class consists of The King and Queen, Walker and Fluffy, and then there are Sess, Allie, Alex, Lauren, Pavel, Stevo, Chibi, Zaf, Freddy, Nora, Aly, Bridget, Reese, Star, Kace, Marina, Fwee, and Misti. The second class citizens are as followed: David, Mindy, Dessy, Luke, Teagues, All the Gabys, Mustang, and a bunch of others that I don’t really care to name. The third class is just everyone else who comes on. The current I/S couples are Walker and Allie who will be getting married soon and Lauren and Alex!!! The I/S is a pretty cool place to be, when you know your ways around the boards. If you go down the wrong street, you can fall into an alley way and get beat up, don’t you know. Your pretty hot stuff if you’re accepted into the first class of the I/S!

sess: hey sup i/s ur king is speaking
Walker: No, I don't think i was speaking!

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The best board on neopets?
i/ser def defs:
fwee: i/s god (by nora)
nora: i/s scene kid
misti: i/s weirdo (by nora)
stevo/alae/alex: i/s mexicans (by nora)
sess: i/s stupid (by nora)
choco: i/s negro (by nora)
lauren: i/s lez freak (by nora)
pavel: i/s nerdy ginger (by nora)
star: i/s boring (by nora)
fluffy: i/s mullet (by nora)
rina: i/s idk (by nora)
chandler: i/s man/woman

sess: i am i/s stupid
nora: gross i hate u
chandler: shut up sceney mcgee

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