Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Horn of Gondor?

When you cum and fart at the same time while having sex.

Once I was finished plowing through Alison, I sounded the horn of Gondor, by blowing my load of cum and letting a loud fart simultaneously, signaling my triumphant conquest of her.

👍33 👎25

Horn of Gondor - video


Horn of Gondor - what is it?

While engaging in sexual intercourse at the climaxing moment the man displays his masculinity and prowess by alerting all of his fellow housemates (possibly roommates) that he has finally scored. He does this by mimicking at full volume the 'horn of gondor' from lord of the rings. This works especially well in a uni dorm with thin walls.

'At the climaxing moment... oh yeah, oh yeah, oh ye... AAAAAAAARRRROOOOOOOOOOOAAAAHHHH... AAAAAAAARRRR...SLAP'

'Did you hear me Horn of Gondor the entire womens rugby team last night?'

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