Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Hooroo?

goodbye - origin unknown, possibly Australian

"see you later"

👍623 👎2025

Hooroo - meme gif

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Hooroo - what is it?

An aussie way of saying "goodbye"

Hooroo stinky poo.

👍729 👎2019

What does "Hooroo" mean?

Hooroo is a distinctively Australian way of saying “goodbye”.

The "truly wondrous fantasmagorically splendiferously magickal word hooroo" (credited to someone's Uncle Wally) echoes two likely sources.

It's a bit of a joyous exclamation, as in "Hooroo! hooroo!

hooray!" (Darby O'Gill), and it's also something of an owl's hoot, as in "the proper hooroo, hooroo" (The Sword in the Stone).

"For my part, I do believe I should go quite insane, were I to live in {a} Land where people wandered around screaming, 'HOOROO' at one- another". said Werewolfy"

👍5335 👎317

Hooroo - what does it mean?

An Australian way of say goodbye. Originates from the practice of lonely guys out in the bush, who after meeting and talking of their plight would often say goodbye before going off to "Hoo a Roo". Roo is a shortened name for the Kangaroo and Hoo comes from the sound said Kangaroo makes when surprised from behind.

Guys would say "Time to Hoo a Roo" on parting and this gradually became shortened to Hooroo.

Bruce: Crikes it's getting late, mate, I should probably get back.
Shelia: No worries, mate, see you for the shearing competition tomorrow. Hooroo.
Bruce: Hooroo

👍243 👎1259