Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Holy smoke?

Holy bum smoke (a fart )

Has she passed wind its only holy bum smoke

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Holy smoke - video


Holy smoke - what is it?

A sex position involving a guy or girl taking a big puff of weed, going down on their partner and eating them out for a good minute (whole holding in the smoke) before finally releasing the smoke into their partner. Note: The one receiving the oral sex must be a girl.

John: How was last night with Jenny, Tom?
Tom: It was amazing. She told me to eat her out, but I gave her a Holy Smoke also.

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What does "Holy smoke" mean?

A term expressing excitement and urgency.

Robin: "Batman! The church is on fire!"
Batman: "Holy Smoke"

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Holy smoke - what does it mean?

Holy Smoke is an interjection, used to express surprise or annoyance!

Holy Smoke!... She bought a new house!

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Holy smoke - meaning

The special white smoke which comes out of the chimney of the Sistine Chapel indicating that a new Pope was elected.

Holy Smoke!...we have a new Pope!

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Holy smoke - definition

1) An expression to show suprise or exclamation.

2) To smoke the reefer in a church

1) Holy Smokes! That's Cheyanne Silver in that porno.

2) You dogg, won't you come up in here and have ya some holy smokes wit ya brotha?

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Holy smoke - slang

When you roll a joint with a 3 star hotel bible as the rolling paper.

What brand of rolling paper are you using ?

Iā€™m using the Holy smoke

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