Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Hasbara?

A mocking term used towards Zionists, typically those who espouse ethnostatist views. Hasbara (הַסְבָּרָה) is hard to translate to English, but roughly means "explaining" in Hebrew.

"Palestine never existed"
"Shut up, Hasbara Troll"

👍157 👎69

Hasbara - video


Hasbara - what is it?

trolls who works for the Israeli government to pink-wash , spread propaganda and defend Israel aggression against the Palestinians .

"Shut up, Hasbara Troll" used when the troll start denying the Nakba and say "Palestinian kids are human shield " when ever the IDF shot one

👍261 👎77

What does "Hasbara" mean?

When a Jew/Zionist winning in an argument

Wikipedia is Hasbara's propaganda

👍163 👎273

Hasbara - what does it mean?

A zionist who works for Israel to spread zionist propaganda , usually end up crying when proven wrong and they get paid by the Israeli government

they deny genocide and the land theft of Palestinian lands "Nakba never happened " then hasbara pay them

👍295 👎113