Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Haby?

stands for have a blast yo or if you are referring to a group have a blast y’all

commonly used when you are saying goodbye to someone

alright i’m gonna go to culver’s”

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Haby - meme gif

Haby meme gif

Haby - video


Haby - what is it?

A teacher who constantly talks for long periods of time,and doesn't know when to shush it,and hardly knows what teaching is.

A teacher is called Haby

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What does "Haby" mean?

A comment or phrase overly sexual in nature; usually referring to someone's mother; phallic references common with a phrase of this sort; excessively utilizes the word "bro".

He responded "Nah, I'm too busy fucking your mom." What a Haby-like thing to say.

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Haby - what does it mean?

Baby Jesus who can turn water to wine, and has an addiction vodka. He suks your balls and he is homeless and lives in a brothel

don't be a domenic haby, you will be homeless and suking whore's balls forever.

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Haby - meaning

A racist term for a Saudi Arabian
A dude from Al Quida

Bro, this weird Habi Jabi looking dude was staring me down

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Haby - definition

Habi is a very handsome boy,his is really but he can get annoying. He can attract girl easily but become his best friend later..

He has really cute dimples, go get habi

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Haby - slang

Likes to suck on balls, get high and party. Don't get me wrong.. Their the hottest people you'll ever lay you're eyes on. But damn you wanna hang with these babes.

Ashley: dude if I could be anyone in the world id be a haby.
Scott: bro I wanna fuck a haby.

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a person with kind heart and loyal. very understanding and never breaks a trust. very beautiful and charming. interesting and not easy to get.

haby with kind heart and loyal. very understanding and never breaks a trust. very beautiful and charming. interesting and not easy to get.

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