Definder - what does the word mean?


(1)When a male rubs the head of his penis on a the lips of a females virgina, just to making her horney and wet.
(2) When a person is just hanging out at home or with the homies.

(1)Damn son i was hella hydroplaning that hoe seema's pussy last nite, made that pussy hella wet.
(2) Wat you doing son? " nuthing B just hydroplaning.

👍35 👎81





HYDROPLANING - what is it?

Yall are lost...A Hydroplane is a boat that you race, I know because my Dad races one, and here soon I will be...stupid focks

I race a hydroplane

👍51 👎199

What does "HYDROPLANING" mean?

(1)When a male rubs the head of his penis on a the lips of a females virgina, just to making her horney and wet.
(2) When a person is just hanging out at home or with the homies.

(1)Damn son i was hella hydroplaning that hoe seema's pussy last nite, made that pussy hella wet.
(2) Wat you doing son? " nuthing B just hydroplaning.

👍53 👎79

HYDROPLANING - what does it mean?

1. The uncontrolled movement of an automobile when the tires loose traction with the road and move on a low friction surface of water

2. A Combination Of Being Drunk & High. Which Results In

1. "AHHHH, Fuck I'm Hydroplaning !"

Keep Calm and try to control the car.

2. Mix the drank with the dank, Got me feeling great. I'm Hydroplaning ! - Big KRIT "Hydroplaning feat. Devin The Dude"

👍43 👎17


A type of DJ scratch that uses a hand to vibrate the vinyl by creating fluttering friction which makes the speed of the record jump slower very quickly.

You have to have sticky fingers to perform the hydroplane, otherwise it will just slow the record down.

👍109 👎57

HYDROPLANING - definition

when anything loses traction or creates a wave of air on which to ride while in motion.

Often uncontrolable unless is intentional.

those boats are hydroplaning on the water!

👍97 👎43


v. to drive a car at highspeeds while high on marijuana (see hydro)originated as a play on the words hydro, or marijuana, and hydroplane
n. (1) a type of DJ scratch
(2) a vehicle that can drive on land and water. Or something.

v. "It's the kinda high that got me leaning, 120 mph speeding, (that's) the meaning of a hydroplane." - NERD ft. Malice from Clipse in "Am I High"

n. (1)"Yo, did you hear that hydroplane while the DJ was cutting it?"
(2) "Oh goody, I get to drive my father's hydroplane today! I'm cool!"

👍375 👎171


When a womans vagina is so lubricated your penis slips out. This often results in accidental anal sex, and then is called a hydroplane into a dirt road.

Hey man, that girl was begging for you to hydroplane her.

👍81 👎27


1. The uncontrolled movement of an automobile when the tires loose traction with the road and move on a low friction surface of water; 2) A fuck up.

1. "Ah fuck. I HYDROPLANED!"

2. "Man, Wes, you really hydroplaned this time."

👍325 👎105


occurs when water builds up in front of your tires faster than your car's weight can push it away. That's when the water gets between your tires and the road so that your car feels like it's gliding and possibly OUT-OF-CONTROL.

you are just going along on a wet road and your car is like "OH I DONT THINK I WANT TO BE ABLE TO STEER ANYMORE" and you lose control of the car. you think to yourself "FUCK HYDROPLANING"

👍149 👎45