Definder - what does the word mean?


a hick aka a country boy

jenna: do u see that boy wearing those boots lmao

brenda: yea jenna that’s a HOOTNANNY

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HOOTNANNY - what is it?

The opposite of cheagy.
Basically situations that are shit.

Malike : Joline is leaving 😭
Adam : Bit of a hootnanny !

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What does "HOOTNANNY" mean?

1. An southern way of saying "I don't care"

2. The lamest comeback ever (unless you're two)

-"Hey man, you're bitch tits are showing"
-"I don't give a hootnanny!"

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HOOTNANNY - what does it mean?

margit and emma!

margit has a hootnanny in her pants

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HOOTNANNY - meaning

Type of bird known for its goat like appearance and its hooting noises

Me and my bud went bird watching and I saw the biggest hootnanny ever!

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HOOTNANNY - definition

a breakfast dish including eggs, flour, salt, milk, and lots of butter.

very similar to dutch pancakes.

Bobby, get that hootnanny out of the over before the fire department does.

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1. A word commonly used by cowboys and other Southern folk; means roundabout, gathering, party, or just a plain old fucking good time.

2. A gathering that involves mischief, paganism, or other heinous acts.

1. Jesus, Clem, did'ja go ta that ole good hootnanny last night? Dang, that was a quesa-dilla worthy cowboy hunchback sunnuvabitch cockfight we had!"

2. "Don't leave, Janet. The boys will talk to you, touch you, take off your clothes, and before you know it, a hootnanny will come out of your anus and we'll all be to blame."

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