Definder - what does the word mean?

What is HOLL UP?

An expression used when encountering something that's typically a so-fucked-up meme that it's funny.

Cyan: "White was acting sus, so I killed him..."
The rest of cremated: "HOLL UP"

When you keep making jokes about suicide, and your friend pulled a gun...

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HOLL UP - video


HOLL UP - what is it?

Typically found in a meme post that's either blatantly morally wrong or somewhat implicitly yet obvious morally wrong.

A person often joking about suicide until one day his friend pulled a gun.

The person: HOLL UP

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What does "HOLL UP" mean?

Wait a minute, something ain't right. Mainly used on TikTok.

Person 1: I just fucked your mom

Person 2: Holl up-

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HOLL UP - what does it mean?

A shortened version of 'Hold up'

Holl up, didn't you snake on me yesterday?

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