Definder - what does the word mean?

What is HIGE?

Going to get destroyed

Tampa bay is hige

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HIGE - meme gif

HIGE meme gif

HIGE - video


HIGE - what is it?

THE best Japanese band to EVER exist. They’re basically a perfect creation from God, all of their songs are actual bops 🀷🏾. Their songs make you feel some type of way you’ve never felt ! They’re the best way to get rid of your depression (real)

They’ve made so many anime openings from anime’s like Tokyo Revengers (Cry Baby) , Spy X Family (Mixed Nuts) , Hinomaru Sumo (Fire Ground) Hello world in (Yesterday) and probably more!

Kaizer: yeah, I’m listening to official hige dandism rn

Eli: u deserve infinite head for that

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What does "HIGE" mean?

A partner in crime, or one person of a pair who plan on assassinating others during math class.

Being a Hige , I need to find my other half and plot against a chosen victim

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HIGE - what does it mean?

higee is another word for sex. a code word to be used in front of parents and teachers so they dont know what dirty shit y'all are talking about.

Brittany Spears gives some good oral higee! but i Prefer nasty ass higee from Jeremy Lin

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HIGE - meaning

refers to the faded creases that form in well-worn jeans, at the top of the legs near the crotch area; the word "hige" translates to "whiskers"... and those creases are so-called because they look like the whiskers of the "kitty kat" in-between. (not trying to be vulgar, just explaining where the term came from!)

"those old jeans have great hige"

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HIGE - definition

According to one source on the internet hige refers to the creases across the top of the legs of vintage Levi jeans - usually the so called "big E" variety. It's like where the jeans bunch up when you sit down. However, I think it can also be used to refer to any person, place or thing that has a distressed, rather lived in look.

Damn. Laura is givin' some major hige today. Must be the drugs and that wild life she's livin'.

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HIGE - slang

hige means to have erected nipples

uh oh he saw my higes

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a chubby, happy-go-lucky wolf in the anime series Wolf's Rain. his main interests include food and women. as a human he appears to be about 18 years old has light brown hair and blue/red (amber) eyes, he wears a yellow hoodie over top a dark grey longsleeve shirt with sweatpants. in wolf form he has light brown fur with some lighter coloring on his face. he also wears a collar in both human and wolf form.

Hige: {talking to Kiba} "You're a strange one, all right. But having pride doesn't count for much if you're dead, you know?"

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It is Japanese and means mustache, beard, and whisker; it can be said that any hair on lower part of face (lower than eyes) to neck.

The word "HIGE" for vintage/vintage look jeans is derived from this Japanese word, hige because the HIGE looks like mustache.

"hige nobiteruyo" means "your mustache is growing"

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