Definder - what does the word mean?

What is HARD CUNT?

A Hard Cunt is an individual who in a night, has done six points of meth, then has proceeded to Candy Flip the next day.

"You ain't a hard cunt, til you've done six points of meth, then Candy Flipped the next day."

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HARD CUNT - video


HARD CUNT - what is it?

May be likened to Mad Cunt, used as a term of high praise for an individual that has achieved an impressive feat.

Cunt was humping the gimpy for 10 weeks, what a hard cunt.

👍37 👎21

What does "HARD CUNT" mean?

A popular term around Sydney and possibly some other NSW cities.

A hard cunt is basically a chav but isn't English or British as most chavs are. Hard cunts are mostly Middle-Eastern (Assyrian and Chaldean to be precise but there are also many that are Pacific Islanders). They carry the same traits as chavs, such as wearing a lot of sport clothing though never even breaking a sweat. They also start smoking and drinking at very young ages, also similar to a chav.

This term can also be used to describe someone who acts tough, but really isn't.

John: Where was Danny last night?

Richard: He was with his 'gangsters', roaming around smoking and starting fights

John: What a hard cunt.

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HARD CUNT - what does it mean?

A tough person.

A payout or insult; used to describe a person who thinks and acts tough but really isn't.

One who preforms an incredible or amazing action.

A gronk.

"Those Chatswood boys are alway trying to roll teenage kids, they think they're such hard cunts"

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HARD CUNT - meaning

Someone who is tough.
Someone who did something amazing.

"Jeff i was walking down, and i saw this one cunt, man he beat the shit out of this dick head. he pulled out chains out of no where and whipped him and ripped out posts from a fence and started bashing all his mates, i swear man, he was a HARD CUNT"

"Fuck man, tony jumped out of a plane with no parachute, what a Hard Cunt"

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