Definder - what does the word mean?

What is HALF Man?

When a guy gets testicle cancer and has too get one nut removed.

Look at ol uniball, he had nut cancer so he's only half a man.

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HALF Man - video


HALF Man - what is it?

After a man has had a vasectomy done or when his wife controls his wallet.

No point in trying, he's half a man now that he got a vasectomy.

👍247 👎117

What does "HALF Man" mean?

Half of a 100$ bill

Brother: sister said she need some money
Father: how much does she need?
Brother:half a man (half of a 100$)

👍95 👎31

HALF Man - what does it mean?

This is the description of a really ugly woman, if fact she looks more like a man than a woman.

Look at her she's awful more like half man half biscuit.

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HALF Man - meaning


Nas is like ; half man half amazing (no doubt)

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HALF Man - definition

1. A well rounded individual.
2. Someone who is both physically and intellectually superior to others.

Hit the earth like a comet invasion
Nas is like the Afrocentric Asian
Half-man, half-amazing

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HALF Man - slang

Not like any ordinary man rises above everyone else.

Nasty the villain

Vince Carter
half-man half-amazing

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A drug dealer, esp. a small-time, street-level drug dealer.

"Sniff a few lines with your buddy Noriega/Then bust the half-man in the bodega" (Big Lou, "Justice Not Found")

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A British drinking game, usually takes place in a park or at a festival, where toilets are far away. Involves each person drinking 8 pints of beer without urinating throughout; the idea being that there are on average 8 pints of blood in the human body, so after 8 pints of beer without any coming out you're half-man half-beer.

Grab some tins, we're going to Hyde Park to do Half-Man.

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A man who is one of the following depending on the person.



"Get out of my way half man."
"If you were not half a man you would have gotten at least a number from her."
"You are a half man, grow the other half before talking to me again."
"You are a half man too and Tyrion would still drink you under the table."

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