Definder - what does the word mean?

What is HADUKEN?

The most badass of all zombies, known for having Halo-like lunge/uppercut techniques; except they hardly use a sword because theyre so badass.
-they are supreme over the other kinds of zombies.
-they have acid sperm.
-they frequently rape Hitler zombies.

oh shit son! zombie apocolypse is real!

oh shit, its just a bitchy Hitler zombie.


person:dayumm them zombies!!

random other person: hey- they arent just zombies

*pumps shotun*

them is Haduken Zombies!!

person: *pants turn brown* OMFG ZOINKS -WTF I SAID ZOINKS!


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HADUKEN - meme gif

HADUKEN meme gif

HADUKEN - video


HADUKEN - what is it?

a fit, or hysteria of rage in which an individual cannot stop repeating the term haduken and doing the hand motions from "Street Fighter"

She won't stop! She's been playing too much street fighter and is having a haduken conniption

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What does "HADUKEN" mean?

To expell gas from your posterior in a clasping/throwing motion into another persons general vacinity. Used in conjunction with saying the word "Haduken!!" simultaneously. Additional emotion can be added to the act by saying "Rat-ta-tuken" instead of solely "Haduken!!"

Billy Hadukened his friends the other day and they did not appreciate the smell!

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HADUKEN - what does it mean?

The ever so clever name of my BONG...
Also a supremely powerful chi blast....

"I've had a bad day, I guess I'll HADUKEN my worries away"...
Or "Don't talk shit, or I'll Haduken your face off"

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HADUKEN - meaning

A form of expression, signaling a sudden great force, like a push or a blast of pure energy. =D. Original form, second for is plugen created solely by Katoosh and posted onto urban dictionary.

"haduken!!!!!" *pushes friend to ground*

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HADUKEN - definition

The act of inserting one fist into a woman's vagina and the other fist into her anus.

I can't believe she let me haduken her...twice.

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HADUKEN - slang

The wrong way to spell/say Hadouken (Hadoken). The ou is a long o sound in japanese.

Friend one: HADUKEN!!!!

Friend two: Dude, it's pronounced HADOUKEN!!!!

👍45 👎21


A projectile movement in Street Fighter originally performed by Ryu and Ken. Can be done by pressing down, down-forward, forward plus any punch

"He's almost dead...just do a Haduken!"

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