Definder - what does the word mean?

What is HU?

Hu is the abbreviation of hooking up. It was at first used online but now it is said.

I want to hu with that girl.
I hued at the party.

👍1749 👎611

HU - meme gif

HU meme gif

HU - video


HU - what is it?

word from westside of bmore short for hustler

yeah whats up i am a parkheights hus

👍1855 👎97

What does "HU" mean?

HU abbriviation for head unit, usually only used online

did you get a new HU yet?

👍39 👎265

HU - what does it mean?

Frequently used to abbreviate Hollins University, an all girls school in South Western Virginia. HU is a lot easier for intoxicated men to say, and therefore locate. Most often seen in the away messages of Hampden Sydneyboys, the trek to HU signifies the kickoff of the weekend (always thursday)

Away Message: "Gone to HU for the weekend"

👍49 👎273

HU - meaning

An abbreviation for the greatest band of all time Hollywood Undead.

HU is the greatest band of all time.

👍29 👎13

HU - definition

Hu is an insertion used in the following situations:
- To express a negative emotion
- When there's an awkward/long silence
- As a response to an insult

Jim: "Milco you're a faggot"
Milco: "Hu"

The whole squad after non-stop talking: "..."
Me: "Hu"

👍51 👎39

HU - slang

Hollywood Undead. Writters/ Singers of the song "Scene For Dummies".

Genere: Hip Hop / Hardcore / Screamo

Lyrical Genius - Charlie Scene
Sweet Talker - J-Dog
Loud Mouth - Da Kurlzz
Singer - Tha Producer
African Baritone - Funny Man
The Server- Johnny 3 Tears

HU lyrics- Scene For Dummies: These scene clubs I run these, I should write the book how to be scene for dummies!

👍339 👎421


H.U is an abbreviation for hollywood undead, an amazing hardcore/hip hop band consisting of 7 members: Charlie Scene, J-dog, Tha Producer, Da Kurlzzz, Shady Jeff, Funny Man, And The Server. They all wear masks so that their amazing goodlooks cant take away from their music. Has 114468 friends on myspace, growing by the hour.

The Server:
"Its nights like these that we all love living. So take
out your hands and throw the HU up. Now wave it around like you dont give a fuck.
check please!"

👍747 👎815


What a jealous husband thinks his wife is doing when one of her friends misspells "huh."

It said "HU," which Urban Dictionary says means "HookUp," so obviously your friend is looking to hook up with you.

👍349 👎305


A Love song to GOD, sung as HUUUUUUUUUUUUU

I was stressing so i started to do a HU in my head to calm myself.

👍1121 👎745