Definder - what does the word mean?

What is H'D?

Hyped, with the three letters in the middle removed.

Brad: "Yo are you excited to go out tonight?"
Chad: "Yeah man I'm H'd."

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H'D - what is it?

when you are unable to control your alcohol intake and end up brushing your teeth with Jack Daniels Whiskey, and waking up feeling like a black man.

Warning: may cause violence to those that don't resemble Mick Jagger.

I was so Ke$h'd last night I told someone how attracted I was to their beard.

👍53 👎35

What does "H'D" mean?

Pronounced "Ayched on the jays", this phrase came into being early in 2008. Its original denotation pertained to the culture surrounding the substance "Marijuana." Being "h'd" meant being high. Eventually, the term "j" was added on to the "h" to denote a joint. The connotation of the word came to include the alcohol abuse culture. Being h'd on the js gained the meaning being "hammered on the j's", where a "j" is any object. In this case, it usually refers to a beer, but can be used colloquially to signify anything.

"Dude, that passed out goblin is totally h'd on the js"

Guy 1: "Hey, can you pass me that J?"
Guy 2: "Which one?"
Guy 1: "The big black one"

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H'D - what does it mean?

To be H'd signifies the state of being aroused, in arousal, or to have been aroused, horny.

John: How is that Talk with Hannah going?
Andrew: Dude she's mad dirty, I'm H'd fam

👍69 👎31

H'D - meaning

After a girl has taken your load in her mouth you punch her in the stomach. This forces the semen out in a manor similar to professional wrestler Triple H's entrance, where he spits water out like a complete boss.

Bro1: Damn you were into that chick last night
Bro2: Yeah, but it won't be going any further, I Triple-H'd her...

👍59 👎19

H'D - definition

being unsober. traditionally either high or hammered (drunk). you can be Triple H'd too which consists of being high, drunk, and something else.

Dude, I just smoked a blunt of crem de la and i am soooo H'D!!

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