Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Gómez?

Adrián Gómez it's the G. O. A. T.
He is so handsome and ripped. Don't mess with him, you will regret it. He doesn't get pussy but because he doesn't try.

-Adrián Gómez it's here!
+Wow, he's so amazing and perfect!

👍25 👎11

Gómez - meme gif

Gómez meme gif

Gómez - video


Gómez - what is it?

choi soobin’s loml. she loves him a lot 😳 A LOT.

no one is a bigger soobin stan than her. ofc except yeonjun. but also a very supportive MOA.

wow. abril gómez LOVES soobin a LOT.

👍25 👎11

What does "Gómez" mean?

Any person (usually a female with tig 'ol bitties) who has no idea what a real movie is, how to watch a movie, or look up movies online. Such Gómezez develop cataracts over their eyes during truly good movies and develop an insatiable and uncontrollable glee in the presence of a horrid movie. Upon end of a bad movie, the Gómez will likely consumate this unforgivable act by smiling and jumping up and down, her tig 'ol bitties bouncing, bawling a cacophony of Spanish noise and gibberish to her twenty cohorts (who are likely family members--they likely arrived in a single car).

(It should be noted that such women will feign intelligence and film knowledge often, citing predetermined lists of movies as "good." Watch out for them, for they will lie, cheat, and steal your oxygen, saliva, and ballpoint pens.)

Such women are also susceptible to blindingly handsome Polish men (as they should, for when un-nigrified, contain all the proper attributes of a sophisticated breeder).

The bairn of such a courtship is called a "Polminican Love Child."

Person 1: So, uh, what did you think of Spiderman 3?
mez: I liked it. I thought it was good.
Person 1: No. It wasn't. You're a fool, Ms. Gómez.

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