Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Gyalistic?

Not a simp.
Someone who pulls bare gyaldem without a sweat.
Otherwise known as Jude and Kaylan.

Boy 1: Nah you’re a gyalist man!
Boy 2: why what’s that?
Boy 1: You pulled Charlie last week, now it’s Kiran, you’re pulling bare gyal without breaking a sweat. Gyalist!!!

👍37 👎17

Gyalistic - video


Gyalistic - what is it?

(i) A playboy/charmer. A Don Juan type.

(ii) Literally 'girl-ist'. Gyal meaning girl.

(i) Watch the original gyalist checkthis fat gyal.

(ii) I have to keep in shape because I'm a gyalist.

👍225 👎55

What does "Gyalistic" mean?

1. Jamaican slang for player or pimp.

2. A person who attains numerous amounts of females.

3. G-Mac

4. A ladies man .

5. root words = girl-ist

He's such a gyalist. He gets too much girls .

👍259 👎35

Gyalistic - what does it mean?

Gyalistic is the adjective used to defined persons with gyalistic traits or tendencies meaning they pull girls easily or with the outmost effectives.

Donald gets girls easily he is so gyalistic.

👍25 👎11