Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Grommit's?

grommits- your hommies; a small metal circle used to keep holes from ripping; anything you want it to be

ex. wats up my grommits; or: i need to use the grommit hole

👍35 👎31

Grommit's - meme gif

Grommit's meme gif

Grommit's - video


Grommit's - what is it?

1. Rim around your asshole..definition below helps make sense.
2. Also rubber ring used for holes found in electrical boxes.

My grommit itches, how about a rim job?

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What does "Grommit's" mean?

A stupid little kid who you just wanna punch in the face

Wow, you are sych a grommit

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Grommit's - what does it mean?

A rookie. A novice.

What does he know? He's just a grommit.

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Grommit's - meaning

The grommits can simply be defined by the explosive release of fecal matter. If for any reason you want to get the grommits, you can achieve this by eating scurvy food (Denny's, Perkins, any Chinese restaurant) or by taking some kind of laxative. The grommits usually consist of the liquid form of matter but sometimes consist of a log that is expelled from the rectum at a high velocity, which sometimes is referred to as a streaker.

The other day, I ate at Denny's. The omlette was very scurvy so as a result, i spent the majority of my afternoon on the commode with the grommits.

Aw, I just stepped in some dog grommit.

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Grommit's - definition

Grommit _(noun) An offensive term used to describe a male person, ranging in age from adolescence to young adulthood. Usually an obnoxious miscreant of urban or suburban upbringing, a Grommit's life usually revolves around low-grade or under-weight grams of marijuana (see also Grom). A Grommit is usually a half-assed (as in "not very talented") skateboarder, or surfer, or (typically in more rural areas) skimboarder. Grommits can usually be found in the parking lots of liquor stores and gas stations throughout most of the U.S. and Canada, where they are known to hassle people to illegally buy them cigarettes and/or beer. Their dress style/music preference can range from "crunk-hiphop douche-bag," to "skinny-jeans-wearin' emo-twerp," to" neo-metal nincompoop." Whatever their style be, Grommits are ALWAYS considered posers, and if you find yourself making a purchase at "Hot Topic," chances are you are one of them. Outside of skate/surf/skim-boarding, Grommit activities usually include: jacking candy from 7/11 as a political statement of "sticking it to DA-MAN," huffing gold-flake spray paint for an all-time classy buzz, harassing semi-friends of theirs who work at Taco Bell to "hook 'em up with a Churro," and last but not least, competing with each other over the heart of the Grommit female counterpart, the Gromette.

Man.... I left my car unlocked in the 7/11 parking lot for two minutes and the damn grommits stole my pack of smokes off the dash. Worthless parking lot RATS!!!!!

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Grommit's - slang

Just a little skate(board) rat(kid), this could apply to other "extreme" sports as well such as surfing, BMXing, motocross, etc. It can't however apply to traditional team sports. The kid should be hardcore skater and isn't your next door neighbor with knee-pads and rollerblades but it could be referred to a novice skater as well.

Damn, this park is stuffed to the brim with grommits.

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The essential rubber ring used to hold a stem in a pre-fabricated bong.

Person 1: There's too much air getting in those cones man.

Person 2: Yeah the grommit split last week when i was cleaning it earlier.

Person 1: You cheapskate bum go down the smoke shop and get another.

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A small person, usually very smushie and crushable. Grommit could also describe how funny-looking they are but used in an endearing manner.

Oh my lord look at that little Grommit! I just want to squeeze their cheeks!

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A young surfer

That ocka is a grommit

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