Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Green Hills?

The hills were very green.

Do you like seeing this place yet?

We went to Green Hill, and... we saw... beautiful, beautiful palm trees... it's unlike anything I've ever seen before.

and... then we went to Green Hill. again. and again. and again. and again. and again. and again. and again. and again. and again. and again. and again. Do you like seeing this place yet? and again. and again

MAKE IT STOP, no more GREEN HILL, no more palmtrees, no more Green Hill Zone, who wants it?

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Green Hills - video


Green Hills - what is it?

A High School in Wilson County, Tennessee, that is home to the fighting pigeons. Green Hill High School’s building is a carbon copy of every single goddamn school in the district, of course the first building with this design is Mount Juliet High School. Green Hill students are culturally different from the MJ students in a few different ways. Green Hill Students enjoy primal activities like stealing toilets, stealing stall doors, lighting trash cans on fire, calling in school shooting threats, and many more. The principle of Green Hill is very comparable to Adolf Hitler and leaves classrooms bland and soulless just like him. Also the SRO is bald and may or may not have killed an inmate as a prison guard, while an SRO at MJ has hair, and no positive K/D ratio. Green Hill students often transfer to MJ to return to civilization, but their culture rubs off and has caused MJ to slowly succumb to the primitive monkey non intellectual ways of Green Hill. While most students in Mount Juliet are opposed to this behavior, some catch a disease known as β€œGreen Hill Syndrome” which one has sudden urges to light trash cans on fire in the school restrooms and steal school amenities.

MJ student: Yo, did you see that new kid? He just came in from Green Hill High School.
Former Green Hill student: Reeeee!!!!!! *smashes toilet and starts a trash can fire*

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What does "Green Hills" mean?

a private school led by aliens who transformed their ufo into a big gym where teenagers with gender issues play ball

person 1: Where do you study?
Joaquin: La Salle Green Hills

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Green Hills - what does it mean?

A school that has only been open for a year and has no bathroom stall doors. It also features a shit ton of rednecks, baseball players who’ll call you an f slur, and a theater teacher who will talk shit about you to other students.

I got railed in a doorless handicapped stall at Green Hill High School by that guy who’s giving out shrooms.

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Green Hills - meaning

The one beach level in Sonic advance that is really fun to play!

I love sonic advance and my favorite level is neo green hill zone!

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Green Hills - definition

A fat womans left on poop side.

Ugh,Abby's green hill side is full of green!

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Green Hills - slang

The Green Hill Zone is the most well known zone from the Sonic series. It is also a popular fan site. The GHZ is probably most assosiated as Sonic's home, probably because it is where his adventure begins in the very first game. The GHZ was resurrected as the Neo Green Hill Zone in Sonic Advance 1. It also has been in many fan games, fan comics, fan fictions, and basically almost everything else fanmade.

"I got the Chaos Emerald at the Green Hill Zone."

"One might call the Green Hill Zone a 'classic'"

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Green Hills

A tropical place with checkerboard with grass on it.

- The cake look like the ground from Green Hill Zone.

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Green Hills

The first stage from Sonic the Hedgehog. A classic. Great music too ^_^.

I am stuck on Green Hill.

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Green Hills

A place in Tennessee where all the stuck up, redneck, racist, rich brats who think they're better than everyone else live.

Joe: man I had to go to The Green Hills Mall today. I hate it, those freaks need to get over themselves. -_-
Earl: I know what you mean. They're losing business because of the way they treat people.

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